It was coming sooner or later, wasn't it? I bet that most of you knew that my constant tirades against music would turn into tirades against life, huh? Well, I have to get some things off of my chest. If murder was legal, then these would be some things that would make me do it:

1) CHATTING ONLINE: I think that it's scary how people meet others online. I met some hag online and them made the foolish mistake of going to meet her, when I was almost raped! I'll spare you the details, but I'm not into constant charades where two (or more) people can hide their psychopathic tendancies so they can get an easy lay! Yep, "Mr. Right" is really Jeffrey Dahmer, ladies. And chat rooms. That's really productive:

CALGIRL85:I'm Bored.
PUNKBOY101: I want to get drunk.
CALGIRL85: Feedboy, send me your picture, you sound cute.:)
etc. etc.

That was just an example, but I think it proves my point.

2)PEOPLE WHO SAY THEY ARE AGAINST CORPORATIONS, BUT SMOKE AND DRINK: "I'm against the system", says the boy who lifts the Phillip-Morris cigarrette to his lips while holding an Anheiser-Busch beer in his other hand. You can buy all the Crass CD's you want, punkboy, the truth is, you're the worst kind of consumer of all. Next time you talk about how good beer is, remember that all the jocks who beat you up love the sports teams sponsored by the beer you drink.

3) PEOPLE WHO CONSTANTLY TALK ABOUT THEIR GENITALS: Show me a big dick, and I'll show you the harpoon that Ahab used on Moby Dick. So you can wound a girl by striking her ovaries and gagging her, how romantic. Stop talking about it. It makes no difference what cock size, cunt size, and ass size you have. These organs serve more useful functions, like peeing, and giving milk. It seems that if it squirts or oozes, then it's worth talking about to many people. Well, in that case, I once had this big zit on my forehead.... These people are usually insecure, jealous people who cry themselves to sleep at night. Please kill yourseles.

Well, I would go to ten, but I'm bored now. I'll continue this later. Goodbye.

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