Vox Rox #8: The State of the World (of Vocephus) Address


Well, friends...as our beloved World Of Vocephus trudges on well into it's second year, I feel that the time has come to reflect on where we are, why we are here, and what the hell we are doing. Especially after so much time gone by between updates, there is no better time than now to gather the news and notes, and see what's fit to print.

Changes (or lack thereof) To The Cast
Members of the staff came and went, came back again, moved away, or joined various factions of the military with little or no fanfare. Hot Alicia, our resident bombshell, picked up and moved away from sunny Southern California, and settled out in windy, cold Chicago. Things like that happen when your husband is in the Navy, and despite her best attempts, I could still not fathom why the Navy has such a stronghold in the middle of a lake. I suppose it's to keep the Canadians from swimming across in a drunken stupor to reclaim Michigan. Kaiser, as he has written, has indeed joined the U.S. Chair (and occasionally Air) Force, and was sent off with much ado with his very own Celebrity Roast. Since then, Kaiser has emerged from boot camp, away from the embarrassment of being stuck on obstacles and the savagery of blanket parties, and moved onto Mississippi to be schooled in the arts of the navigation electronics of our B-2 bombers. So when our boys go down over China and World War III is eminent, you can thank WOV's very own Kaiser! Both he and H.A. promise to maintain their titles here at the site, though I've yet to receive any official written works from either. The Mike has been at home now since he returned from his last logged adventure, and though the files have been closed, the debauchery continues. Perhaps out of respect to the Faithful Four Readers, (or respect for the victims) I have decided to keep it from you. Though for a short time, Mike promised to soon embark out into the great wide open once again, his plans were shut down and he is currently an indefinite San Diego resident. We saw both Gandhi Mangler and Vomit God leave us (a sad day for the more literate among us) but eventually return in their original forms. Desservo, despite several formal requests to resign, remains a full-time member of the WOV staff.

There's No Action
More so than ever before, the WOV has suffered from writer apathy and general inactivity, much to the dismay of the tens of...tens of people who frequent it. (Okay, so just Raphael and Desservo.) Why the lack of updates? Well, several reasons. First, I was going through a period of anti-internet enthusiasm, and just checking email became a traumatic chore. Then came the reformatting of the computer, followed by the gradual installation of necessary software to run this site (the last of which was only installed tonight). Plus, with the advent of Z-CHORD (a gala motion picture event set to begin filming next year), spare moments were put into it's development and fundraising for the shoot. Between that, finally getting around to reading Dune, sleeping, Harry Potter Mania, and watching DVD's, WOV was afforded precious little time, which was usually squandered on idle banter in teen sex chat rooms. That, and this damned Bush Economy.

News In Brief
~The anniversary of September 11th came and went without so much as an enemy fart in our direction, thus thwarting any hope of another "theme week" here at the site.

~Halloween, a very sacred and ceremonial holiday to our ranks, was untimely ripped from our grasp by a bottle of vodka, and about a liter of bright pink vomit. Thus, downtown was denied the presence of the Ghostbusters, and we of their praise and laud. However, like Mac Arthur to the Philippines, we shall return.

~We will have to wait at least another 18 years before we can properly refer to the current decade. "The Zeros", "The 2000's" or even "The Tens" just sound weird. Then again, how strange will it be to hear the phrase, "Hey man, get with it. It's the 20's."

~My camera has grown weary in it's old age (nearly two years now) and refuses to work properly. A major setback to the imaging portion of this web site.

~The Altaire 6, perhaps the greatest rock and roll band combining members from both outer space and the future, fell on quiet times and indefinite hiatus for most of the last few months. Recent line up changes and extremist scare tactics may whip them into shape by December, but only time will tell.

~Street performing downtown on Saturday nights is not only an excellent source of free income from drunken club hoppers, it also gives you an impressive amount of street cred.

~Vomit God found Meet The Feebles on DVD. And yes, it does say "From the director of Lord of the Rings" on the cover.

In Closing
I suppose that about does it, and should bring you all up to speed...assuming you were following the story to begin with. Of course we all hope that with every update, it will re ignite the flames of interest, and once again we'll experience a degree of decadence and glory not unlike Berlin circa the 1930's. Though after many a promise and subsequent failure to deliver, I'll ask you not to hold me to any high standards just yet. This site updates like old people fuck: infrequently, sloppily, and with little success.

~Vox Vocephus

The views expressed in this article may not be the views of the author. If you were offended or have any complaints about the content, please do not hesitate to cry me a river.

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