The Mike Files #16

by Micheal Castleberry

The 9th of January, in the year of our Lord, 2002.

Being as i have written for this glorious site for over a year, I'm a little dissapointed by some things... namely, a lack of hate mail towards The, maybe i'll fix that.


That's right, I'm talking to you, you worthless, pig fucking, NSYNC listening waste of space. You know who you are, you are a piece of shit... you read my articles and laugh like you have a god damn clue what I'm talking about, because you want to fit in. Your mother was a crack whore, and your father was in porn with Dale Akiki.

Your dad used to beat your ass and molest you three times a day, and trust me, you deserved it, if not more. People like you should be shot, you're so fucking stupid, you make the special olympics look like a science convention. Thats right, i insulted retards, you got a problem with that....... oh
that's right, you're a friggin mongoloid too... maybe I'll call you Corky.

Your mother is so hairy, she looks like Alf and Chewbacca had a baby, then proceeded to urinate and deficate on it. That's piss and shit for your Limp Bizkit destroyed intellect.

There, I've said all I need to say, good day

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