The Mike Files #2

The 12th of October, in the year of our Lord, 2000.

I've decided I'd dedicate this column to random anger, watch as I rage against
anything and everything.....

Bush (the band).... Ok fuck nuts, the ripping off Nirvana thing is getting old,
and what irratates me more is that Gavin denies it, even when DAVE GROHL says
they ripped off Nirvana. Listen man, when a member of Nirvana, tells you that
you sound like Nirvana, its time to get over yourself.

Van Halen..... is Dave back in or what? This is driving everyone insane, I
mean, ol' VH has sucked long enough, its time for Eddie to ask where Valerie
hid his balls... I say they're under his striped guitar she pawned.

Punk music.... Ok, I know a few viewers of this site ain't gonna like this,
but, I really don't give a shit. The fact is, punk sucks. "Oh wow, another
three chord masterpiece" C'mon, any guitarist proud of writing a punk song,
is like a chef proud of making mac and cheese.

Boy bands...... Just calling them a band should be a crime. Now, I've been
in bands before, and corect me if I'm wrong, but, don't bands have
instruments? BSB and their ilk are vocal groups people, at least give me my
dignity, by calling them a band, it totally ruins any of my accomplishments.
They're good at what they do, but not at what I do.

Beatle-bashers..... Jesus Christ, can't you leave well enough alone? John
Lennon is dead, why try to tear up his accomplishments? Its called respect
for the dead assholes.... oh, and Helter Skelter rocks!

"Lick It Up"..... God damn that song fucking sucks!

Blink 182..... Give me ONE good reason to like them............... Thats what
I thought

And finally... Diet Mountain Dew... Ok, carbonated piss water people!

Good day, and God bless

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