~by Vox Vocephus

While the Friday the 13th thrillogy is hardly a pioneer by any stretch of the imagination in general, 1984's The Final Chapter introduces an interesting microcosm in film making: The thrillogy within a thrillogy! Not only groundbreaking in that respect, but The Final Chapter also proves to be the most forgivable movie in the Friday series...and dare I say...enjoyable?

Meet Tommy Jarvis, (as portrayed by Corey Feldman) a young boy who finds himself at the infamous Crystal Lake one summer with his family. As per tradition, across the lake the camp is inhabited with uninhibited, scantily clad teenagers, who run amok skinny dipping and causing general well-meaning havoc.

Almost as if obligated, musty Jason Voorhees once again takes the camp by storm, in a fury of blood and motiveless killing. Tommy and his sister are the obligatory last stands, and face off against a bumbling Jason as they dash from room to room in the house, narrowly avoiding the man behind the mask. It's Tommy himself that delivers the final blows to Jason's twitching body, at dear cost to his innocence and mental stability. The next two Friday films continue the story of Tommy Jarvis, and his unlikely continuos run-in's with everyone's favorite hockey-masked killer.

The Scale of Pain

While typically dopey, and close to the standard idiom of Friday movies, and teen slasher movies in general, The Final Chapter won't kill you. It will only make you stronger.


As with most Jason movies, as long as you adopt a gruff, gravely and grumbling voice for Jason, you're made in the shade.


Some skinny dipping, and awkward sexual situations. Nothing to write home about.

Redeeming Qualities - First of all...Corey Feldman with a mop-top. Not 80's enough for you? How about a little Crispin Glover for ya! (George McFly of Back To The Future fame)

Final Chapter, for all I'd love to hate it, features some of the best redeemers of all time. First, what is possibly the best line in any movie, as Jason kills one of his many hapless victims, we hear him scream "HE'S KILLING ME! HE'S KILLING MEEEEE!!"

And the number one redeeming quality of all time: The Crispin Glover Spaz Dance! Yes, watch Crispin get funky to that awesome New Wave sound!

Noteworthy Curiosities - Corey and Crispin before their turns in major features in the mid 80's. The Shakespearean "play within a play" motif, as parts IV, V and VI chronicle Tommy Jarvis' life. And despite the promise of the title, I'm very sorry to report that this is hardly the final chapter.

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