The Mike Files #18

The 22nd of May, in the year of our Lord, 2002.

Letter of apology to the WOV

The Mike feels the need to apologize for a few things, so here I go....

First and foremost, there is one thing that is weighing heavily on my mind that I might never shake, the fact that despite my best efforts, I missed the Altaire 6 show. Normally that wouldn't be so bad, but I actually had a role in the damn thing, and I feel like shit, it's gotten to the point that just because of guilt I've pondered retiring from the, based on the sole fact of not being able to face other staffers, Vocephus especially. Whether I retire depends on how others react, and whether I can live it down.

I also feel the need to apologize for my absence in the first place... I'm realizing that much like Vomit God... the well is starting to run dry, each article becomes harder and harder to write, as if the stench of my own festering feces that i write is finally catching up to me.

Lastly... I just need to apologize for Sara... i have no idea what i was thinking.. so, for the sake of all those who read, I request her grotesque visgae forever wiped from my story, to save the sanity of those who come.

Well, I'll leave it at that.. good night, and God bless.

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