The Mike Files #11

by Micheal Castleberry

The 28th of April, in the year of our Lord, 2001.

Cwcoombs: how tall are you
CREEPINGDEATH780: 5'8", why?
Cwcoombs: do you wear shorts
CREEPINGDEATH780: at times
Cwcoombs: do you wear sandles
Cwcoombs: do you wrestle
CREEPINGDEATH780: for fun sometimes
Cwcoombs: I need help with my dad
CREEPINGDEATH780: what kind of help?
Cwcoombs: he is after with his good sandles on
CREEPINGDEATH780: you do realize this is one of the weirdest chats i've
had w/ someone right?
Cwcoombs: he is after me with his good sandles on
CREEPINGDEATH780: ok...........
Cwcoombs: what should I do
CREEPINGDEATH780: ummmmmmm...... i really can't give advice on that one
Cwcoombs: why not
CREEPINGDEATH780: well, cause its kind of weird..... and i'm not entirely
sure why the sandles are important
Cwcoombs: they are
Cwcoombs: dad likes them
CREEPINGDEATH780: ok, gotcha
CREEPINGDEATH780: age/sex?
Cwcoombs: 33m
Cwcoombs: what should I do
CREEPINGDEATH780: ok, you're 33, and your dad is after you with his good
sandles on?
Cwcoombs: yes
CREEPINGDEATH780: i don't know, kick him in the balls or something, you're
on your own
Cwcoombs: like what
CREEPINGDEATH780: ok, kick his ass and steal his sandles
Cwcoombs: how
CREEPINGDEATH780: kick him really hard in the balss till he stops
Cwcoombs: yes
CREEPINGDEATH780: think you can handle that?
Cwcoombs: what
CREEPINGDEATH780: nevermind, im someone else then, you're a little weird

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