The Mike Files #22

by Micheal Castleberry

The 5th of December, in the year of our Lord, 2002.

I can't take it any more: I FUCKING HATE NO DOUBT!!!

There, I said it, and damn glad I did it. I can't stand it... Ok, maybe there needs to be some backstory... a little while back I got digital cable... I won't get into how we have hundeds of channals... and I seem to only watch the Discovery Channal anyway, but, I digress.

Anyway, we have the Much Music USA station... which is kinda like MTV, but with only music, and a LOT of rock, on it's own, it's fine... but every God damned time I flip to it... NO DOUBT IS ON!! If I hear how shit is "underneath it all" I'm gonna go on a rampage that'll make the "sniper" and Columbine kids look like tree hugging faggots!

First off... whats the big deal with Gwen Stefanni? She has no tits!! She's not as hot as everyone says, but what to I know, I don't vote for TRL or watch MTV, so my opinion on life isn't worth shit anyway.

Another thing... why do they even try to pretend the band matters now? Most of the new songs are on synthasizers and shit anyway.

I refuse to live in a world run by 12 year old girls, something needs to be done!

Unfortunately.... I'm too lazy to do it

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