The Mike Files #4

The 30th of October, in the year of our Lord, 2000.

Ok, I know its been a while since my last article, but, true genious is worth
the wait. I write this mere hours before my next great adventure into the
mysterious void known as Milwaukee. What magical creatures will I meet? What
horrifying monsters (other then the Brewers) will I encounter? Will I get a
cheese head? Stay tuned to find the answers to all this and more. And now,
more things that suck:

A very special episode of anything....... also known as something unusually
tragic happening on a sitcom, someone gets cancer and such. No one wants
this, if i want to be depressed, i'll watch a Victoria's Secret commercial,
give me a break.

The ugly chick dancing to Lick It Up at the KISS concert..... it was
horrifying, ask Vocephus, he saw it to.

Skid "Fucking" Row..... Skid "fucking" who?

Godsmack.....I'll give ya a smack you pansy ass AIC rip off.

Creed.... 'nuff said

Lars Ulrich.... I love Metallica, but this faggoty little tennis playing
drummer is pissing me off with his anti-Napster crusade.

Shelly's sister..... threatened to call the cops on me, what a bitch.

And now for a change of pace, stuff I LIKE:

Shelly.... She's beautiful, smart, funny, and I love her to death.

Metallica..... ahhhh...... I love these guys (except Lars) they can still rock

Foo Fighters: Dave Grohl proves Nirvana wasn't a fluke

Nirvana: Say what you will about him, Kurt was a great song writer

The Beatles: Fuck Vomit God, The Beatles are still awesome.

Black Sabbath/Ozzy: 'nuff said

Peanut butter: A tasty treat for all occasions

My presentation on Hitler junior year: Brought everyone down after a Disney
presentation, I still relish in the timing.

And finally... WOV, ok, ok, shameless ass kissing to my bro, but, I gotta do

Well, thats it for today, I look forward to reporting my new cross country
adventures... to all my friends here in Spring Valley, I'll miss you guys
like crazy, keep in touch, cause i'll be back one day. I love you all..

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