~By Beef Lenin

From the very beginning of Jeepers Creepers it becomes readily apparent that the makers set out to make an atypical teen slasher movie. Our two protagonists Trish and Darryl are brother and sister rather than an item, sex isn't brought up every couple of minutes, and aside from a few winky remarks, it does not attempt to be a hip horror-parody. However, about 15 minutes in Jeepers Creepers it also becomes obvious that so complete was the desire to eschew horror cliches that such time-honored traditions as continuity, suspense, and sympathetic characters were also scrapped.

By far the most frustrating aspect of Jeepers Creepers is that instead of a movie unto itself, it plays more like the second or third installment of the Jeepers Creepers saga. The audience is never given any back-story as to the origins or motives of "The Creeper". This is effectively chilling in the first half, but stretches "suspension of disbelief" well beyond the breaking point in the second half when we learn that he is actually a winged demon in league with the dark forces.

Later in the movie when such characters as a psychic with powerful insight into "The Creeper" and a crazy old lady with many cats appear out of nowhere, we are expected to greet them with all the familiarity of one of Fonzie's impromptu visits to the Cunningham residence. When these characters disappear just as quickly along with their respective sub-plots, I'm left wondering why they ever bothered showing up in the first place. And I why I even watched it in the first place.

The Scale of Pain

Vocephus fell asleep within the first 15 minutes. He stayed awake through all of Silent Night, Deadly Night. Tell you anything? I braved through the rest because it is my curse. But hey, with the atoning this movie gave me I dominated X-Men Monopoly the following night.


What was I supposed to say? "Hey, you sure are demon-like!" Most audible words coming from me were pleas to God for divine VCR-destroying intervention.


You'll see more nudity on the Hour of Power

Redeeming Qualities: Cormanian Factor. (i.e. none)

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