The Mike Files #10

by Micheal Castleberry

The 17th of April, in the year of our Lord, 2001.

My friends, today I am going to break out of my normal routine, and not refer to myself as The Mike, because I am writing a serious article for once. As many of you know by now another beloved rocker has joined the pantheon of deceased rock legends. Joey Ramone, a man that I know almost every one of this staff loved as a member of The Ramones, has left this life, and moved on to the next. I would like for everyone that reads this, to bow their heads in a moment of silence, reflecting on his music that brought joy into many of our hearts....

RIP man, you earned it. It is ironic that Joey's passing came as the world celerated easter, the rising of Christ. while so many celebrated new life, a great musician was taken from us. It makes us reflect on our own mortality, What is life? Why do some live, and some die? When will the Lord call us to him? Personally, I believe we must live every moment as if it was our last, because it might very well be. It's amazing how some people can't handle death at all, while others stare it in the face with bravery. I recently learned a former co-worker of mine was told by a doctor that he doesn't have much longer to live, due to a severe heart condition, instead of getting him down, he tries to make every last moment count. I admire his courage, and hope he proves every one wrong. I'm sorry if this subject upsets some readers, but even The Mike has a spiritual side. I'm glad to have known each person that writes here, most I met in high school, and made some lifelong friends. I'll finish this by saying that through it all, I love you like
brothers, and hope that never changes.


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