The Mike Files #7

The 5th of December, in the year of our Lord, 2000.

Well, I guess the burning topic as of late is my former better half, Shelly's little article. Vomit God voiced his displeasure, and I guess people are waiting for my response, which is (drum roll) I really couldn't care less, aside from being pure teeny bopper trash, and the obvious smugness oozing from it, it doesn't phase me. I found someone I can truly be happy with, that I actually have things in common with, and DOESN'T force me to listen to Christina Aguelera, and pretend it doesn't suck. I'm 120% pure, unadulturated, hormone infused, testosterone soaked, adrenaline forged rock and fuckin' roll to the core, and in the end, Shelly just wasn't right for me, too much a teeny bopper, I love Sara with all my heart and soul, everything is perfect there, plus, she's rock and roll too, you gotta love
her, but, enough of that.

Ok, I have yet to comment on the recent election debacle, I must say, its
bullshit. Al gore is like the whiney kid at recess in elementary school, remember the one that loses at kickball, then complains and tries to change the rules until he gets his way. Same thing here, Gore loses, then complains, and is trying to twist the rules to find a way to win, ok, recount isn't working, so how about we try to use "dimpled ballots" maybe THAT'LL give him enough votes to win, even though basic instructions say you need to make a clear punch mark, or how about we take a revote for everyone that voted for Buchanan. Ok, if you can't read instructions and vote for who you want, you are an IDIOT, I don't wanna entrust the fate of the greatest country in the world to a group of retards. What Gore is trying to do, is screw up a tested system, why have an election if he can sue and change resaults. Might as well have a dictator. Moving on.....

I'd like to comment on Vocephus' old Van Halen article, the man said everything we'd talked about for years with those guys, both him and I have basically been at our wits end about them, now, I was kind of able to tolerate Sammy Hagar at times, then nearly pissed myself when Roth was supposedly back in the band, its about damn time right? WRONG! Publicity stunt, Gary Cherone is in the band which raised the question from EVERYONE who the fuck is Gary Cherone? Guess Van Halen asked that to, and fired him after 1 album, the much lame Van Halen 3. Now, here we are, back where we were after Hagar leaves. And of course, Roth is back supposedly, why aren't there any "sammy is back" rumors? Now its time to think, do we REALLY want Dave back? Remember, Dave circa 2000, is not Dave circa 1984, we want Diamond Dave back, the long haired, spandex clad, jumping and dancing Dave, Dave now is older, and well, balder, sure he can still sing, but, we'll NEVER really see Diamond Dave again. Besides, if they have Dave, no one will want to hear something new, they'll want to hear "Jump" or "Panama", Plus, do we really wanna see Dave sing "Standin' On Top Of the World" or "Right Now"? or GASP! a Cherone song? HELL NO! Van Halen really only has two options, get someone totally new (Eddie, my schedule is open, and I know all the lyrics to "Ain't Talkin' Bout Love") or, maybe, just maybe, its time to hang it up, do a going away concert with all 3 singers, one last chance to "Dance the Night Away" Give us the chance to remember van Halen as it once was, untarnished. To remember Diamond Dave at his finest, with nothing to taint it. Even to remember the "Red Rocker" for what its worth. Leave us with a legacy of kick ass tunes,don't fade away man, don't even burn out, go Supernova, blow the world away one last time, for the fans of old, the fans of new, and the fans
to come. Supernova guys, supernova....

Written by Michael L. Castleberry,
For everyone and no one,
For the faithful and the wavering
For my friends and for my enemies
Remember to go supernova in the end my friends, go with glory, all of you

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