The Mike Files #19

The 6th of June, in the year of our Lord, 2002.

Well, once again, it has happened... no, not The Mike being kicked out by his parents... although that happened too... no, it is much worse... once again... The Mike is single!!! Yes, once more I have endured the "I love you as a friend speach" so here I am, at square one....

I've been told many a time that I'm attractive, sweet, romantic... and yes, even great in bed... yet for some reason, I can't keep a woman longer then 6 months.... so, since The Mike is a lonely man, and to be perfectly honest, completely desperate, I have a proposition for any female readers, send a picture, your name, and a little bit about yourself to our lovely WOV for the brand spanking new "Get Mike A Woman SO He'll Quit Bitching!" contest.... the winner gets.. well, I guess me, so it's kind of like a no-prize from Stan Lee, but, hell, this could be entertaining at the very least....

So, come one, come all! Don't worry, I don't bite... well, unless you want me to. Hope to hear from y'all Vocephetes soon!

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