KWTS Updates


[7-30-02] by Vox Vocephus
It's Freddie Prinze Jr. Day here on KWTS! Beef and I have cooked up a delicious trillogy of reviews for your visual palate, as well as stuffing a few turkeys in the archives. Please enjoy these reviews, starring everybody's favorite Freddie: She's All That, I Still Know What You Did Last Summer, and Hostage High.

Line of the week: "I gotta see the nipple..."

[6-13-02] by Beef Lenin
Here it is! Another batch o' reviews that are sure to please our reader. I, Beef Lenin tackle another summer blockbuster in this week's feature while Vocephus delivers the truth about a much sought after piece of Star Wars lore in our updated archives!

Line of the week: "Don't get me wrong, I really like Mercury Rev, but I kinda wish they would stop playing"

[5-30-02] by Vocephus
What's this? A Star Wars movie on KWTS? Yer darn tootin'. And the archive grows yet more...we will soon be your favorite movie review site, if we aren't already.

[5-22-02] by Vocephus
You can't keep a good movie reviewer down, no matter how hard Jerry Bruckhiemer might try...yes, we're back with yet another installment in the soon to be World Wide Web Famous KWTS!

Today's feature is Valentine, a movie that came and went so fast I don't even think it made New Release status before it was filed away at your local Blockbuster. Also, a few more reviews filed under Seen It for your reading pleasure/fair renting warning.

Line of the week: "No, I didn't say I had DVD...I said I had da V.D."

[5-10-02] by Vocephus
Hallo and welcome to Keep Watching The Screens, the site that reviews movies you won't want to see! You see, it's our duty to seek out doody. You stand to benefit from our bizarre fascination with all things terrible by avoiding them entirely! The grieving has been done for you!

Our Feature Film for today is Jason X, which is playing right now in a theater near you. I tell ya...they don't make 'em like that anymore. Hell, as far as Friday the 13th movies go, they never made 'em like that.

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