The Mike Files #15

by Micheal Castleberry

The 16th of December, in the year of our Lord, 2001.'s Osama-O-Rama and i guess it's The Mike's turn to fall in line and whore my intellect to the subject. Where can I even begin.... this cocksucker staged the most devestating terrorist attack on this great country since Carrot Top had his own movie, and as much as I try to be a nice guy, well, I want his head on a mother fucking platter. The man obviously has penis issues to pull this kind of crap. But lets examine this man a little more closely.......

First off, he hates America because our country is over indulgent and such.... yet comes from a culture where having 50 wives and 1,000 kids is not only applauded....

Of course, we're also a nation of infidels, you know what, if getting into heaven requires being a filthy towl head and smelling like piss, I'll stay an infidel, thank you very much. We should just carpet bomb the whole country with soap and breathmints if we really wanna flush him out.

He accusses us of being cowards, yet is too chicken shit to do his own suicide run and hides in a fucking cave? He acts like some profit and brainwashes the weak minded into doing that kind of crap, promising them a spot in heaven... well brother, i hope you got some marshmellows, because
hell is awfully toasty.

Now, I know since Sept.11, there has been a sudden surge of patriotism, and I feel a need to comment on it. Sure, it's nice having people fly the flag more often, and the sudden bonding of americans.. (unless you're middle eastern, which i think really sucks that people are using them as scapegoats) But it pisses me off that it took a tragedy of this magnitude to do it, and patriotism is a fad. Look at how many flags have been sold sinc then.....why didn't these patriots have one to begin with? I know my family has always had a flag on hand, I learned to love this nation from my father and mother who both served in the U.S. during the Cold War, and also my grandfather who served in the South Pacific during WW2. Now everyone jumps on the bandwagon, and it kind of sickens me... if Sept.11 never happened, no one would give a fuck about anyone else, and that truly is sad. Now I know this article isn't very funny... but, the fact is, this situation ISN'T funny, thousands of people died, any many more will in a conflict that no one knows how long it will go. Our country is in recession (which if u do the math, isn't Bush's fault, the economy started it's downturn while Clinton was still in office) I wish I could just be happy go lucky and crack jokes like some of the other writers.. but I feel that out of respect for those who have fallen, it is innapropriate, and if you don't like it: FUCK YOU, I really don't care if you like me, love me, or hate me, I'll say what I want, when I want, because I'm an American and I can. I guess I should end this rant, until next time......

Fuck Bin Laden, and rock and roll will never die.....


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