The Mike Files #20

The 30th of July, in the year of our Lord, 2002.

A little while back one of my comrades at arms, the former Vomit God mentions something I myself have discussed with Raphael, that being... WE AREN'T FUNNY ANYMORE!! Then I thought "Hell, Desservo was never funny anyway, so, it's ok" I myself have tried to figure out why the staff has begun to hit a dry spell, one reason being, we've obviously over estimated our self worth. When we thought no one read this site, we didn't give a rats ass about what anyone thought, but for some reason... we think we're popular, as if people really do come here, and it's had a negative effect, it's almost as if we're pandering to a crowd that may not even be there, like selling out, when no ones buying!!! What in the name of Spider-Man have we degenerated into? And better yet, what can be done to fix things, for one, enough of these one or two article staffers, either write, or get the fuck out!!

Now, to the important part:if peopel reading this ite made it suck, then we gotta get rid of the fans!!!! That's right people, go, shoo... stop encouraging the lemmings to walk off a fucking cliff. I know its fun to look at all the pretty colors and fancy set-up we got going now and think we're cool... but we're not. We're the people you threw shit at in high school, and frankly, we hate you, or maybe that's whats really wrong, somehow we want to be accepted by you jack-offs and now what was once a fun pet project has mutated into a horrifying monstrocity, not unlike my former fiancee, and also like her, this place sucks a major dick..... anyway, I think I've ranted on the state of the union enough, since there are lots of things that piss me off.

Ok, we'll make this a two rant article.... it's funny I never went off about this before, but I think it's way over due... time to rant about Sara aka Jabba the Slut, the fiend that may be my single greatest mistake in my life... and I know you're reading this, cause even though you have a b/f and a life, for some reason, you try to keep tabs on me, so whenever I seem too happy, your disgusting ass pops up to harass me. GET A LIFE!!!!! For someone that has things going so well, it doesn't make any sense to use new screen names to bother me since I blocked all your other ones... and what the hell kind of name is BalckWidow666? I knew you were a fucking moron, but this take sthe cake!!! YOU MISSPELLED YOUR OWN SCREEN NAME!!! You'd think if it was gonna be permanently there, you'd make sure you typed it the right way... but I guess it's hard to type when you're stuffing that fat face of yours, ain't it. I know I'll get an IM cause of this, and I'll be threatened to be sued by your moronic ass again, but who fucking cares? Take a look at the constitution. Its called free speech, deal with it!!! You don't see me telling you I'm gonna take you to court whenever you tell someone I abused you to get pity. The sad thing is I treated you TOO well, maybe I should have beat the shit out of your stupid ass so you'd at least have something legitimate to bitch about, and on one final note, I know you have cancer and all Sara, but it sure as hell isn't working fast enough!!!

Ok, I'm done

The Mike

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