Vox Rox #9: Ten Things We Don't Care About Anymore


Seeing as the end of yet another year is upon us, it's a good time to reflect (and in some cases, recant) on recent events concerning the World Of Vocephus and it's affiliates. As we all know, some things fall by the wayside either due to lack of interest, or purely by lapse of memory. Either way, invoking the names of these spirits of murky memory tend to solicit a unified response of recall that usually sounds like this; "Oh...yeah!"

In that spirit, I give you the Ten Things We Don't Care About Anymore.

10. Time Cube - Hilarious, yet maddening, the Time Cube website offered theological answers to questions nobody asked.

9. Osama bin Laden - The man who may or may not have been behind the September 11th attacks may or may not ever be caught, and may or may not be remembered in another year from now.

8. The Message Board - Ah, yes...the neglected WOV message board. As you may just now notice, it's not even linked from this page anymore, and hasn't been for several months now. Not that it was a conscious decision, but when I was tinkering with the front page display awhile back, I simply forgot to put the link back up. Nobody seemed to notice.

7. Stile Project - The home of scat videos and bukakke pictures, I don't think anybody has been to Stile's site since it turned into a platform for porn links. However, that may be a good reason to go back...

6. The Bill Cosby Plays - With the promise of, and subsequent denial of dozens of alleged completed plays, the evil and vile Bill Cosby Plays have scarce been mentioned for many a moon now.

5. Ask Drunken Dwarf - Either the D.D. has answered all known questions in the universe, or has slipped into a temporal vortex never to be heard from again. But with well over a year since the last installment, the only question left for Drunken will be, "Who are you?"

4. Koosh Balls - Now, there's two words I bet you haven't heard in the last five years.

3. Quality Control - You submit it, I'll post it. No questions asked. Browse the site for awhile if you don't believe me.

2. The Jixby Phillips Page-O-Fun - Once considered to be the sister site of WOV, Jixby seems to have fallen off the virtual map sometime around February of 2001.

And the number one Thing We Don't Care About Anymore is...

1. The World Of Vocephus

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