OGRE #2: Dog Bite!

This page collects the various works of Ogre, and actual essays and papers he turned into his classes for grades. Whenever possbile, the actual grade recieved will be stated along with the article.

Dog Bite!

It was in the spring of 1990 and it was about that time when school had just started. Everyone was talking about their toys that they received during the Christmas break even the ridiculous stories about going to their grandma’s house. It was pretty much a normal way to get back into the swing of school. Friends that you don’t normally see aside from school were there and everything was back to the way it was. Kids you had grown up with from over the course of your grade school career.

Friends like Tim Wilson, he was one of the friends that I really didn’t see outside of school. Oddly enough we hung out more and I even went to his house several times to hang out and play Nintendo. Tim’s house was a doghouse, he had two dogs, one was a small white one that yapped a lot, and the other one was a named Samson and was a big German Shepherd. One night we had the idea of me coming over this house for the night. I got permission from my parents and packed my backpack full of the bare necessities, a pair of underwear, shorts, and a T-shirt. When I arrived it was like any other sleep over, eat dinner with the family, go back to his room and play and then after getting tired from the warm glow of the TV we closed our sleepy eyes and went to bed.

That morning we woke up and had the idea of going out side to play catch. We sneaked outside to the porch while everyone was still asleep. The dogs were up and ready to play along with us. I wasn’t too fond of the dogs, or any dog for that matter, but Samson the big one scared me the most. That didn’t stop me from going out to play catch with Tim. We began to play catch and the small green tennis ball caught the eye of Samson, he wanted to play to. The game now was to keep the ball away from Samson, and we did it with the greatest of skill. Of course there will always be that one time the ball gets away and the dog gets the ball, well Samson had gotten the ball from us. It was my job to get the ball out of his grip. This was no easy task to get a tennis ball out of a big German Shepherd’s grip, once its in, its in for good.

I grasped the ball in my hand and tugged at it trying to loosen Samson’s hold over the ball. The next tug was one I put force into, at that moment Samson let go of the ball, and for one second I was on top! I had the ball! I had beaten Samson to the ball! Seconds after that my life would change forever. Everything I thought I knew about man’s best friend, everything I thought about why dogs do what they do would change. Samson didn’t want the ball anymore. When I took the ball it must have made Samson mad, and for that I paid. Samson had crunched into the left side of my face, I felt his teeth quickly pierce my skin. With my left eye I could see into the darkness of his mouth. He had only taken seconds to bite me, but it felt like minutes that he had his jaws around my face. I sat there in shock of what had just happened, blood dripping down the side of my face. Tim ran to me and was just as shocked as I was.

He rushed into his parent’s room pulling me along. His parents were just waking up and they to were shocked at what had happened to me. I wasn’t crying at the time, nor did I know the seriousness of what had happened to me. His mother took a wet wash cloth to my face and his father called my parents to let them know what happened. As I turned around there was a large mirror on the door. She took the wash cloth from my face and I saw the marks of the teeth imprinted into my face. Blood and the tears mixed creating a river that flowed down my cheek. I held the washcloth to my face and waited for my parents to pick me up and take me to the hospital.

At the hospital I was treated to more pain and horror! Lying in the bed waiting for the doctor to see me. He finally came and told me that I had to receive X-rays for any broken bones, and shoots for rabies, if i had gotten them from the dog or not. After getting the X-rays and the shoots, he took stitches and without numbing my face pulled them through the cuts in my face. The pain was unbearable and i cried uncontrollably. When it was all done I got some medicine to take, and was sent on my way home.

Still to this day I have scars from the dog that bit me over 11 years ago. My hatred for dogs hasn’t changed one bit in the past 11 years, but fear for them has. I don’t fear dogs anymore because I know that when it comes down to who’s bigger and who’s higher on the food chain the dog just cannot compete with me.


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