Photo-Play: A Halloween Xmas

~ A photo play by Vocephus

In which Bloody Rabbi learns of the truths of Jesus Christ, and in turn, the true meaning of Christmas. But not without some hearty convincing from a colorful cast of wonderful characters!

"You'll not convince me your silly old Jesus exsists this day, or any other!" scoffs Bloody Rabbi. He is rather unaccepting of the very notion, and thinks of the New Testament as 'hokum' and 'not a very good read.'

A beleaguered Jesus concedes. "I'm just tired of trying." Converting the masses had not been any easier 2000 years ago. The Jeez was getting to the end of his rope. "Screw 'em."

"Ah, yes....the game is indeed afoot. I have forseen it all. Let us keep careful eyes upon the unfolding drama!"

But ho! It is faithful Cox Robotica to the rescue! "The Heathan Bloody Rabbi will surely change his wicked ways after some careful planning and inventive presentation! Buzz Click Whirr!"

There was a great feast, in which all of Jesus' close friends were invited. Bloody Rabbi was quite impressed at The Saviour's hospitality (he even picked up the bill!) But some doubts of this so-called Jesus' credentials reamained in question...

"I, Vox Raucous will make known the truth of Jesus...with Rock-N-Roll!" There was much carousing and carrying on, much to the dismay of other restaurant denizens. But alas, there was a cause at hand!

After many hours of brow-beating, Bloody Rabbi comes to his senses. "I have come to my senses!" Jesus, always eager to make a new friend, is rather pleased with the new arrangement.

There was much rejoicing! (As well there should have been!)

Zong! Cox Robotica's internal servo system goes somewhat awry! Precious gear lubricant fluid spews from every pore!

A Benefit Concert is held on behalf of Cox Robotica's well being and speedy mending. There was much Rock-N-Roll and what-have-you. Bloody Rabbi gets into the action!

Everybody's getting into the act!

Trouble abound! Alas, the rock-n-roll has gotten out of control (as it often does) and Viking Warrior misplaces his aggression on an unwitting Jesus! Crucified again!



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