Welcome to The Adventures of Mike! This is the unbelievable but true story of the travels and triumphs of Mike Castleberry. All accounts within are told as told to me by Mike himself. Updated as frequently as I recieve new word, this section is dedicated to following the events that transpire in Mike's life. The good, the bad, and the worse, it's all pretty much here. Although satarical at times, this page is in no way demeaning or slanderous towards any/all persons mentioned herein. We just wanna know what Mikey's been up to.

The Legend:

Mike was a boy quite unlike most others. He grew up to be a man quite unlike most others, blessed with a gift some might call 'stupidity' or 'lack of common sense', but it is something a little bit more than that. No, what Mike had buried deep down in his soul was something comparable to the Westward yearning of our forefathers...only Mike was about as far West as one could he set his sights to the East, and on love. Mike has done more than most folks his age, and yet has accomplished less. But he does what you and I cannot; with no mortal conventions like a job or school to hold him down, Mike is left free to chase after his dreams, his whims, and his kooky ideas, while throwing caution to the wind. He is called many things; fool, prophet, pioneer, dumbass, cool dude...yet only one word can possibly come close to defining the man, the myth and the legend....and no one has thought of that word yet.

~written with much love and kidding by his pal Vocephus.

On To The Story!

Hear, children, and hear well...for the story I am about to unfold is by far more extraordinary than any fiction I could write. They say love makes men do strange, you have no idea.

Mike has been a friend of mine for some time. He's always been relatively unpredictable, but what I'm about to tell you threw me (and pretty much the whole gang) for a loop. I was having a conversation with Mikey via instant messaging sometime in the middle of July, when he informed me that he wouldh't be around come August. When I asked why, he said that he would be moving to North Carolina. Nothing so strange yet, right? But Mike was not moving with his family. Mike met someone on the internet, and it apparently was love at first keystroke. Now dig this:

*She's 33 years young.
*Married, in the process of a divorce.
*Has one six year-old daugter.
*Currently pregnant with another child. (With the intent of having Mikey raise it as his own.)
*He's 20 years old.
*SIngle, living at home.
*Has no (known) children.
*Huge fan of WWF wrestling.

So anyway, Mike lays all this on me, and says she's paying for half his flight ticket over there.

"How could I resist?"

I concede. And so he goes. Time passes, and I'm left only to wonder what's going on, half tempted to call his house and see if he even left. I get an e-mail about two weeks later, and this is what it said:

well, i'm in north carolina now, and to be honest, it kicks ass here. not only am i getting along w/ people, but i'm getting some on a daily basis, too. lol anyway, just figured i'd let you know how things are. maybe u can visit one of these days. take it easy bro, oh and you BETTER add this to the web page. so, i'll leave you with my favorite words of wisdom......
it's only rock and roll, but.......I LIKE IT! !

I was at least relieved to hear he was still very much alive. And none the worse off as far as his sex life was concerned. And Mike, probably being the only fan of my website, became the star feature for several entires. He likes my take on the situation, although I hear the missus ain't as thrilled. Ah, well...genius oft goes unappreciated.
All seemed to be going swimmingly for a period of about a couple of weeks, when I get the news:

"She fuckin' dumped me."

Although true love was not written in the stars for Wendy and Mike, he continued to live at her home for the next few weeks. It was during this time Mike met Shelly, a girl much closer to his age group, living not much further away from where he was. But before he could make the move over to meet her, Mike found himself back on the bus headed home.

Mike made it home, but it was a matter of a few weeks before he was back on the road again, this time headed for Miluakee. Sara was her name, another web-aquaintence, and she invited our hero to her home in the Cheese State. Much to Shelly's dismay, Mike and Sara became much more than friends upon his arrival. Shortly after, Mike, Sara, and one of her friends moved out on their own to an apartment. Sara was gettin' pretty sweet pay from her job as assistant manager at the local McDonalds, and the roomate has a job too, although I don't know what that is. Mike, by will or reputation remained unemployed.

Mike's status of 'bum' was not to be for long though (the missus wouldn't have it) and he soon upgraded to Cleaning Boy at the local McDonalds. I can't wait for the gritty behind-the-counter details. Mike also asked for his lady love's hand in marriage, to which she agreed.

I've been invited out to visit these crazy kids come and time willing, I think I'll make a go at it. Could I really pass up an opportunity to document the wild Mike in his (new) native habitat? I'm also to be in the wedding as a groomsman.

Here's the first picture of Mike and his lady love Sara, fresh outta my inbox! A WOV exclusive!

As of 2/6/2001 that is the story as I know it. I continue to keep in contact with Mike, and recieve a steady diet of updates. When note worthy news is heard, you better believe it ends up on these pages. (I edit out some of the more graphic me, you'd thank me if you knew.) Keep checking back, and see what events unfold for our hero!

Check out Mike's thoughts on life, love, Van Halen, and the whole enchalada! (Enchaldas are good!) Read the Mike Files!

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