Photo-Play: Behind the Scenes at the WOV


Many of you wonder what it's like to run an incredibly popular, regularly updated website and frankly, so do I. Here at the World Of Vocephus, we are constantly striving to bring you the very highest calibur in comedy, news and insight the internet has to offer. The following photo play will give you, the readers, a glimpse behind the digital curtain to see exactly how the WOV maintains it's high level of excellence.

You may have asked yourself, "What is it about the World Of Vocephus that makes it such a quality website? Why to families gather together around the computer day after day to read the works of such modern day literary masters like Vomit God and Drunken Dwarf? What is the cohesive element that binds this diverse world of wit and imagination together in one tightly knit package of glory?" Of course as webmaster, I'm by and large responsible for all the content you see on these pages. But I couldn't (and probably wouldn't) do it without the help of the wonderful staff here at the WOV. You may wonder just what goes into a typical update here at the site...

When word is sent out that an update is to be made, all the staffers gather together (usually at the local IHOP) and throw out new ideas for features or articles. There are always many new ideas tossed around, but only few are deemed worthy enough to make it to the final stage of publishing. Once the concepts are narrowed down to a few, they are voted on.

The voting process is very tedious, and can often take seconds, even minutes to decide what goes up on the page. If a piece isn't up to snuff in terms of side-splitting hilarity, it is tossed aside for re-working. (Unless there isn't anything else, in which case, up it goes!)

One of the aspects that really makes the site thrive, is the ever-growing staff of writers. A talented bunch, they are constantly hard at work dreaming up new and exciting contributions for the site. Be it, "Hey, that's a Rock!", or "How about I start writing a series of this...?" or "How come whats-his-name's crap is always so heavily featured? I can write circles around that no-talent hack!"

I appreciate all their hard work, considering they do it for nothing. Unfortunately, they all did insist that I put their names on their corresponding work, instead of myself, as per the original plan. Ghostwriting has become a dying art...

Of course, deadlines are tough to meet, and inspiration isn't always abound. Like any other job, writing for the World Of Vocephus is no easy task. But also just like any job, I feel that I am fair and equitable to those that contribute to the site, and that the WOV is a safe, fun, sexual harassment-free work place. Whenever I can, I enjoy aiding my writers in finding their lost inspiration. Or if I feel that an article feels unfinished or rushed, I take the author aside and we discuss the possibilites of the piece, and ultimately craft it into something readable.

And to conclude each and every staff meeting, we all gather around in the Morale Room, to keep spirits high and cooperation at maximum!

Once all the kinks are ironed out, and all the articles proofread and spell-checked, they are sent to my electronic mail address, from where they are directly transported to the pages of the World Of Vocephus. Our fanbase is growing exponentially by the day, and the site regularly recieves upwards of 9, maybe 10 hits per day! I know, because I check the site 5 or 6 times a day to see how much the hit counter has gone up. It's good to know that young and old, rich and poor, black and white (no Eskimos) can all read the World Of Vocephus and share together in laughter and love. And so, as of date of print, I would like to thank Raphael The Contradiction, The Mike (formerly Mike), Drunken Dwarf, Vomit God, Dr. Cox Robotika, Kaiser!(formerly Caelestis), Ogre, Vinnie Spagolia and Alberto Roberto, and anyone else that writes for the site I forgot to mention. Goodnight, Vocephites, where ever you are!

~Vox Vocephus

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