The Mike Files #8

The 1st of January, in the year of our Lord, 2001.

Well now Vocephites, I know I have been gone for a while, but I have returned, with renewed vigor. But, I have bad news, this entry marks the final installment of "The Mike Files" but, fear not, even though the original shall be gone, I will continue with a revamped column "Mike Castleberry: Back In Black" I figured the new year needs a new Mike. But let us partake in the super moist, creamy goodness of "The Mike Files: YEAR END SPECTACULAR"

Lets recount this kooky year shall we? It all started with the much dreaded, yet anti-climatical Y2K scare, ah yes. So, bomb shelter guy with a thousand years worth of canned goods and Top Ramen, whos the idiot now? On a side note, we eventually discover the Y2K bug actually just screwed up my brain, more on that later.

Mere months later, we witnessed the Fairwell Tour of KISS, oh, how we miss thee. I personally saw the boys at the San Diego Sports Arena, with Vocephus and Vomit God. Opening bands were Skid "Fucking" Row/Who? and The Motor City Madman, Ted Nugent. Row just plain stunk up the joint, trust me, they're even worse w/out Sebastian Bach (proving that the difference between greatness, and lameness is the name Johan) It was nice though, after the concert to see a Sebastian Bach flyer on the car, presumably put there by Bach himself. The KISS concert rocked though, capped of by a confetti/ explosion filled "Rock And Roll All Night" Later that night, we ajourned to the Spring Street Denny's..... those Denny's adventures ain't bullshit people.

Soon after, I found myself leaving my home, to room with Bill, shortly before I lost my mind and went to N.C. About the same time, a small page on Expages was founded by a close personal friend.... The World Of Vocephus was born! It featured various site links and the weekly "What the Hell?" which soon became "The World Wide Weird" then was discontinued. Eventually the quaint site was moved to Geocities, and finally secured the domain name of But not before an influx of equally wacky staff writers, myself among the first.

Now shortly thereafter, I met Wendy, as you all know by now, we had an online relationship for about a month before i took my first epic journey, but lets not get ahead of ourselves.

Now, this summer we experienced the great San Diego Comic-Con International 2000! Four days of pure fun, food and partying, leading the the yearly Masquerade, and the legendary Mighty Mouse performance and jailbait Super Girl. Ahhh.....

Shortly after, I headed on out to N.C., which is chronicled on this site. Although things didn't work out, I did meet Shelly, a very nice young girl...unfortunatly for her, another thing came up, my trip to Milwaukee. At first, I was here to just hang w/ my friend Sara, but, eventually fell in love with her, and left Shelly, which was the honorable thing to do, well, I eventually popped the question, so, another chaptetr unfolds... oh Vocephus, you're a groomsman, don't make plans for June of 2002.

Finally, we had the Election....... enough of that, its overdone, bit surprisingly enough, I recently got a real job.... yes, eventually even Peter Pan grows up I suppose. Hope y'all have a great new year!

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