Bill Cosby's House Party

Disclaimer: The World of Vocephus does not advocate killing, or any fucking cuss words.

by Vomit God

Intro: My 15 Minutes of Fame
In the fall of 1997, I wrote The Bill Cosby Rap, and was delighted that I made all the stoners at my school laugh and all the girls blush. I decided to expand on the idea and began to work on a series of 25 plays, the fist, er first of which is reprinted here for your enjoyment:

(Scene: The Cosby living room at two AM. Bill is anxiously pacing, waiting for Theo.)

Bill: Where is that boy? When he gets home I'm gonna whack him so hard his children'll feel it!

(Theo stumbles in through the door.)

Bill: There's yo' ass! Now get to yo' room an' I'll deal with you later! A-Ho-Ho-Ho!

Theo: (Drunkenly) (hic) Sure (hic) thing (hic) Dad.

Bill: What the fuck! Is yo' ass drunk? Ah told you, save the liquor fo' "Kindergarten Night"!

(Bill struggles with Theo and produces a bottle of vodka)

Bill: Ah-ha! You are drunk! Now get to yo' room! Ah need you nice and feisty in the morning! A-Ho-Ho-Ho!

(Theo stumbles out. Bill picks up a copy of Toddler Orgy and sits in his favorite chair.)

Bill: Ah, nothin' like the daily news!

(Suddenly, the vodka begins to talk to Bill in a Russian accent.)

Vodka: Bill, drink me.

(Bill looks up, startled)

Bill: What in the blue-cocked blazes!?

Vodka: Don't fight me, comrade.

Bill: It's happenin' again!

Vodka: Bill, remember when no one liked you? Remember when everyone laughed at you? That was before you met me.

(Bill jumps out of his chair and rushes at the vodka)

Bill: AH CAN'T STOP IT!!!!

(Bill downs the vodka while it laughs)

(Scene 2: Bill's living room, morning. Bill is laying on the floor drunk. Theo comes down.)

Theo: Dad! What's going on?

Bill: (hic) Boy, I'm pretty fucked up! (hic) Just like the night after we celebrated yo' First Communion!(hic) I shore did baptize you in the "waters of new life"! A-Ho-Ho-Ho!

Theo:So what do you have to say for yourself?

Bill: Call all yo' friends, boy. We's a gonna have a party. I may not be young, but I'm full of cum! A-Ho-Ho-Ho!

(Scene 3, Bill's living room. People are partying.)

Theo: I think this party's getting way out of hand.

(Suddenly, the doorbell rings, Theo answers it. It is Ms. Crabbush, the neighbor.)

Theo: Hey, Ms. Crabbush!

Ms. Crabbush: Your damn music's too loud! Where's your no-good father? I'd like to have a word with him!

Theo: Uh, I'll get him.

(Theo goes to the kitchen where Bill is playing strip poker with three women. He is winning.)

Bill: Hey, girls, how 'bout a little game of "pin the donkey in the tail" after this? A-Ho-Ho-Ho!

Theo: Dad, Ms. Crabbush is at the door and she's pissed!

Bill: What? No pruney ho is gonna wreck mah joint!

(Bill goes to the closet and gets out a cutlass. He goes to the front door and opens it.)

Ms. Crabbush: Listen, you bastard...

Bill: Shut up, bitch!

(Bill cuts off Ms. Crabbush's arm with the cutlass, she screams.)

Bill: Ah thought Ah told ya ta shut yo' mouth, ho!

(Bill cuts off Ms. Crabbush's head and closes the door.)


(Everyone yells. The DJ begins playing the beat for the Bill Cosby rap. A breakdancer begins to get down. Bill takes the mic.)

Bill:Yo my name is Bill Cosby, Yo what up?
As you can see, I'm pretty fucked up!
I've been drinking vodka and orange juice,
Then I've been getting virgins loose!
I do the "sideways mambo" with all the bitches in town,
On ol' Bill Cosby, they'll always go down!

Oh it shore feels good!

All: Oh it shore feels good!

(Bill pukes and passes out)

Guy one: He's passed out!

Guy two: RIOT!!!

(The partiers trash Bill's house.)

(Scene 4: The Aftermath of Bill's party. Theo is picking things off the floor when Bill comes to.)

Bill: What the, mah crotch itches!

(Bill pulls down his pants to discover crabs.)

Bill: Ah, mo' fo' the collection!

(Bill opens a drawer and takes out an ant farm filled with crabs. Bill scoops the crabs into the farm. Soon he runs to the bathroom.)

Bill: I'm pissin' blood! Oh mersey me!

(Barret comes in)

Barret: That's what you get for being stupid!

Bill: Shut up, mofo!

(Bill stabs Barret with the cutlass.)

Barret: Ow! Jerk!

(Barret dies)

Theo: Well, Dad, did you learn anything?


(Bill and Theo embrace. The sun shines down on a new day.)


PS- I won several Tony awards for this.

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