L is for Laden (Bin, Osama)

by Citizen L

Based on actual Events...
Inspired by Desservo and Dr. Cox Robotika (go to a movie with them sometime)

Cast of Characters

Mohamed Atta: A simple farm-boy who was destined for greatness.(one of the sept. 11th high jackers)

Osama Bin Laden: A great teacher in the ways of the Al Qaeda

Ayman al-Zaqahiri: Osama's trusted advisor and greatest pupil.

A short time ago (sept. 1st, 2001), in a country pretty far away (Afganistan)...

It is a time of chaos in Afganistan. After the expulsion of Soviet troops, Taliban forces have managed to wrest a following and degree of control in a country wracked with civil unrest...

However there is a new threat on the horizon. A large band of forces known as the United States have been hovering over Taliban achievements and have numerous times expressed their displeasure. The United States, confident in themselves have let their guard down...

With Ahmed Shah Massood soon to be dead, and the Northern Alliance out of the picture the time for the Taliban to focus strikes upon the greater threat is nearing. Under the rule of Mullah Mohammad Omar a new wave of Taliban recruits stream through the cities of Afganistan in preparation for the war at hand...

Mohamed Atta sits alone in a small clearing of rocks. He speaks to himself calmly.

Mohamed: I don't like this place much, it's so...

Mohamed looks around and sighs.

Mohamed: ...so cold, and mysterious. I sorta feel like...

Voice: Feel like what?

Mohamed jumps from his seat and swings his Ak-47 around to point at a shadow a bit in the distance, Osama Bin Laden emerges, his hands visible in the air.

Osama: Away with your weapon! I mean you no harm!

Mohamed is slightly amused and he lowers his weapon.

Osama: I am curious as to why you are here.

Mohamed: I am waiting for someone.

Osama: Waiting no longer, someone is here!

Mohamed: I'm waiting for a great leader.

Osama: Leading not make you great

Osama begins looking through Mohamed's person belongings, Mohamed is annoyed.

Mohamed: Would you just get out of here?

Osama: Help you I will! Find your leader... hmmm

Mohamed: I'm looking for an al qaeda leader...

Osama: Oooo... Osama... you seek Osama

Mohamed: (now more interested): Yes! You know of him?

Osama: Take you to him I will.

Osama heads off, Mohamed following. Eventually they reach a small tent where Osama begins to cook some stew.

Mohamed: Why are you cooking? Can't we just go see Osama?

Osama: Patience, the al qaeda value patience. Why wish you become al qaeda, hmm?

Mohamed: Mostly my father I guess... oh wait also the way I get to control women- I... why am I telling you this, we're wasting time! Take me to Osama

Osama turns toward the radio in the corner of the tent.

Osama: I cannot teach him, he lacks patience.

Ayman's Voice: I was the same, when you met me.

Osama: He is not ready

Mohamed: (realizing that the man he is talking to is Osama) I- I am ready! Ayman, tell him I'm ready.

Osama: (To Mohamed): Ready are you? You know nothing of ready. For 8 years I have trained al qaeda- My own counsel will I keep on who is to be trained! An al qaeda must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind.

Osama: (To Ayman): I have watched this one, before you told me of him. Always he looks forward, never his mind on where he is now, hmmm. What he was doing. Hmph. Adventure. Heh! Excitement. Heh! A al qaeda craves not these things.

Osama: (To Mohamed): You are reckless!

Ayman: So was I, if you'll remember.

Osama: He is too old! Yes, too old to begin the training.

Mohamed: But I've learned so much!

Osama turns to face Mohamed, looking into his eyes Osama feels a change of heart and sighs. He turns back to the radio.

Osama: (To Ayman): Will he finish what he begins?

Mohamed: I won't fail you - I'm not afraid.

Osama: (turning to Mohamed): Oh you will be... you will be.

And so we leave our friend Mohamed, for now. Perhaps we will hear about him in future events! Or perhaps he will crash a plane and die and we'll never hear of him again... stay tuned to find out the final outcome!

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