Vomit God #27: Goodbye


Here I am, another article, another day. What should I tackle this article? Hmmm.... I don't know. Perhaps this is it. As a matter of fact, This is indeed it. I've run out of ideas. It's time to throw in the towel.

For the past year and a half or so, I've tackled many a subject, whether too great or too small, on the world of Vocephus. Lately, however, I've noticed a disturbing trend in my latest articles. Ive begun to recycle myself.

As with all good things, or bad, depending on your point of view, they must come to an end.

Believe me, I will not leave on bad terms. From the very first day I sent in my first part of the 50 best albums of all time, I have had fun. From the beginnings of this lowly site, I have always been there, waiting for you.

Times must now change.

I must step aside now and let a new generation of writers continue what I have begun.
I am also taking my secretary, Armand Glocro with me. He will forever be by my side as I continue my cyber journey onward.

My thanks goes out to Vocephus, for letting me use his site, no matter how crude my articles got.

No thanks to the rest of the staff, except thanks for making me look good. Who needs writing skills when everyone else writes like the grammar squad in the Special Olympics. Rest assured that I hate you all.


It is done.

Fuck you all.


The end...

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