Vomit God #15: Terrorism Attacks America: It's Our Fault


Just like every other American watching the recent World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks, I was shaken, and disturbed at the carnage. I never really thought that this could happen on our own soil. During this difficult time, I often thought that releasing this article would be of bad taste. On the other hand, about two people read my articles per day, so I'll write this anyway.

Over the years, the United States has taken the position of "policeman of the world", sticking our noses in places where we should not have been anyway, like Vietnam. The Gulf War, or as I prefer to call it, the "Republican Public Approval War," had no meaning whatsoever. American got more oil from Iraq then Kuwait before the war, and let's not forget who gave Saddam the weapons to invade. (It was us, so Iraq would win it's war against Iran.)

Should we really be that suprised that the middle east is attacking us? Not really. No American cried tears for the people who died in the recent bombing of a pharmaceutical plant in Sudan, one that was allegedly making chemical weapons for bin Laden. No American cried for the children that we killed in Iraq when we bombed Baghdad. No American cried for the Chinese embassy we destroyed in Yugoslavia.

By no means am I saying that we got what we deserved. No person on the face of the planet deserves to be bombed, killed, or anything else. I'm just saying that a person can't throw rocks at a hornet's nest and not expect to be stung.

America is the symbol of capitalism, a viewpoint that tends to exhibit superior qualities. I am angered, embarassed, and shocked at how we are treating our fellow Arab Americans at this time. People not even from Afghanistan. Stories of protests in front of Mosques, children chased by angry mobs, and women spat on brings back recollections of another time: Nazi Germany. Hopefully, when all these inbreds sign up to "kick some A-rab ass." they will be the first to go. The media, without any clues as to who did this, in the first hour, was quick to blame people of Arab descent. This time, it turns out they might be right. However, for all of you who might remember Oklahoma City, remember that they did the same thing? And look who it was! A regular "Forrest Gump," Tim McVeigh. I also recall that for a while, they were saying that the Unibomber might be of Arab origin. The regional manager, of the place I work at, Ritz Camera, made some uncalled for jokes about Lebonese bombing airports. I'm really worried, because this give all those Klansmen in disguise a good excuse to bomb mosques and attack our fellow citizens.

We also have another reason to worry: George W. Bush is our commander in chief. That's all I have to say.

I'm not going to participate in any of this. As far as I can tell, this all might be a cruel joke that the folks on the East Coast are doing to us here on the west. This has the potential to be another Vietnam. We will be fighting an invisible enemy who wears no uniform, and that uses women and children as living bombs.

They are already calling up the reserves, and that means that the Draft is next. Since this generation is not exactly full of Alvin Yorks, I think that warrants even more worry.
But if that happens, I'll have reason to celebrate. I'll be a Canadian citizen! Like hell I'm staying here. See you in Winnipeg, Ay!

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