Vomit God #12: I Did The Strand

Review of Roxy Music At the Greek Theatre 8/6/01

"My God, Roxy Music is getting back together? but they are OLD!!!" My answer to that question: So? People age, that's just what they do. Yes, Roxy Music got back together, with a few more wrinkles, but they SURE KNEW HOW TO PUT ON A FUCKING SHOW!!! Which is more than what I can say about 99.9% of these young'un bands out there. (Yeah, man, the Promise Ring ROCKS!!!)

I realize that a few of you out there may be pointing out what a hypocrite I am for paying a large wad of cash to see this band, but personally, I think that I would do it again. Any show without hip San Diego Casbah emus is a SHOW.

But enough opinions, on to the story. Yep, when I found out that the three core members of Roxy music, that being Bryan Ferry, Phil Manzanera, and Andy McKay, were getting back together, I immediately threw on my copy of "Stranded" and did a dance! I honestly never thought this day would come, when THE glam band Roxy Music would reconcile and get back together. This would be the first time they would tour since 1983, and I had to go! I found out that the nearest place they would be playing was the Greek Theatre in LA. (What cool band would play this shithole, San Diego, anyway? If I was in a band, I wouldn't.) I immediately bought my tickets, got August 6th off, and waited...

Flash forward: August 6th: I found myself in North LA, driving through Beverly Hills. The Greek Theatre was in the middle of a lovely park, where I happened to find free parking. (Take that, valet motherfuckers!) I was about four hours early, but I didn't care. I got to the front of the Theatre, where I sat, and waited, and talked to this crazy forty-year old British woman who I think was trying to stalk Bryan Ferry, and this nut with no legs in a wheelchair, who did circles and said "Roxy Music tickets!" This woman told me that the nights show would also feature none other than the great Paul Thompson, who of course, was their original drummer! I was damn happy, but I got even happier when I saw a familiar shape come out of the backstage. It was Phil Manzanera! I just looked as he walked away.

I finally got inside, and about 600 others followed me. It was an odd mix coming to this show, indeed. Punks, New Wavers, and 40 year old cokeheads who only knew "More Than This." The best part of all was seeing actual glam girls, all made up like the girls on the covers of RM's albums! I stop here, for a second. In shitty San Diego, there's boring emo girls, filthy punk whores, and beer sluts. I ask you now: where are the sophisticated glam girls!? Oh, those sexy handbags! Oh, those peacock head dresses! Oh, that makeup! I'm going to find out where they all are hiding, lest I build a time machine back to 1972.

I'll skip the deal about the opening act Rufus Wainwright. I'll just say he was a gay, reflective folkie who sang cute songs about caffine.

There was a curtain on stage with a symbol of a double-headed eagle with arrows in it's talons. After Rufus, the Roxy Music logo was projected onto this curtain, and the crowd let out a cheer.

Fifteen minutes later, the joy began.

The stage darkened, and various multicolored lights began flashing behind the curtain with the logo and the eagle still on it. An ambient keyboard riff began, and the crowd went wild! Suddenly, the curtain rose, and there was the band! But before one could absorb this, they kicked right into "Remake/Remodel." I jumped on my feet, and screamed! It was kicking ass! A giant screen was projecting the action from the stage in "negative" format. Bryan Ferry wore a silver suit, while Andy McKay Wore a purple one, and Phil wore a white suit. I was deeply impressed, because they had a moog, as well as another keyboard. After the first song, the crowd roared, and then Roxy went straight into "Ladytron," which Phil fucking tore up on his guitar! He could be my dad, but he sure did rock! After that, they played one of my favorite songs, "Street Life". I was dancing in the asiles, along with a few other kids! I got scared at one point in the show, because when they did "In Every Dream Home- A heartache." There was a scary (but hot) girl on the screen mimicing the songs lyrics about an inflatable doll.

There were a lot of highlights from that show. When they did "Both Ends Burning," a bunch of go-go girls came out and shook their ample frames. Then they did a bunch of their soft-rock songs, and this couple was literally dry-humping in front of me! They did "Avalon", and that was great, because the original Avalon girl came out and sang her cool solo. They did a few more songs, including an updated version of "Dance Away" and then they said good night. Of course, there had to be an encore.

And boy, did that blow me away! They did "Do the Strand", and a whole bunch of peacock dancers came out and began to strand! They even danced to "Love is the Drug!"

Then it was time to say goodbye. They finished with "For Your Pleasure." and each member bowed and left the stage.

I forgot to mention that Andy McKay did a gorgeous version of "Tara", and that there were black soul-sister back up singers.

I'd like all of you emo motherfuckers to put that in your pipes and smoke it! The SECOND BEST SHOW OF MY LIFE.
Now, if I can only find the glam girls....

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