Raphael #24: Reflections

by Raphael the Contradiction

The day is short and the nights are getting longer. It’s black and quiet in its infinite bliss, a void of relaxation in a hectic world of cars, people, and existence. I look down upon the lights of Rancho San Diego shrouded in a hazy fog and give thanks, I’m not sure to who, but things could be worse and for that I raise my drink to toast an unknown force that maybe nothing. The drink in hand is a little bit sweeter tonight, and bubbles dance on my tongue and caffeine soothes my throat and nerves with a little help from Bob Marley. Some of us search for enlightenment, others only see the next day, and still others just exist here. I myself gave up the search for enlightenment; knowledge is the idea of knowing you know nothing, so why search the ocean of knowledge in a rowboat. Where to go now and what to do in a world of faceless no name zombies, well I guess to find a bit of happiness in each day. Look into the sky at night and see the moon, stop for one second and enjoy it, some may not know what that means, but try every now and then just to find a moment to enjoy the beauty around you. Don’t believe me, Watch in amazement as life passes by without honking. Look at the clock as a slave, master, and reminder that unless your moving your wasting time. Impress the TV with your ability to beat Ben Stein but dare you look for answers to unsolvable questions you too will play the fool, no exception to the rule. Don’t play the fool or the slave, play as yourself. Even if you are the fool sometimes. Although Tenacious D said it far better then I ever could. Stars are out, meaning that somewhere kids are stargazing, but do they find the moon and feel the earth. When are the stars born, your technical mumbo jumbo may give you the edge Mr. Stein but where did they come from, everything came from something where did this something come from, hopefully a pie, but then where did the pie come from and is it apple or blueberry? God skips church on Sundays to play golf. And you should as well; praise is in the heart not in a building, and thanking him for playing golf and watching football, is thanking him for creation of a beautiful world. He didn’t create man to worship him, because that would make him vain, and if I’m correct that is a sin. But what would I know; I gave up that search long ago.

Smile today, you’ll feel better.

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