Raphael #21: A Night in the Fog part 4

It was a black car, why did it have to be black? It parked a couple spaces away. The doors opened and who would have guessed that 4 goths would pile out and smoke would be released in a small cloud above the car. The irony in this situation was to say at least astonishing. As they walked in I saw one look around and then I caught her eye for a second as smoke billowed out of her black lips and her slender pale face examined mine. I turned away pretending to mess with the radio, I didn’t need anymore trouble than I already had. I waited another five minutes and Rob still didn’t arrive but the shadows continued to move and I just couldn’t take it anymore, so I opened my door and jetted out franticly searching. Is it that tree or that one, but the night would show me nothing but blackness and silence. I hurried into the diner, the stale air blasted into my face as I opened the door. The goth kids were in a booth close to the front, and the waiter stood at the register expressionless like a brain dead zombie, I looked at him for a second expecting some kind of greeting but there was nothing just him staring forward as if mesmerized. I looked behind me to find out what he was looking at but it was just a door. I waved my hand slowly in front of his face “Hello?” I asked confusingly. “He’s not going to answer you.” Was the response of the Goths. “Whats wrong with him?” I asked and what I got back really put the fear into my heart “Forget about him, your friend Rob is in the back of the restaurant with Jonathan.” “Who’s Jonathan, who are you, and whats going on?” I was almost frantic I just wanted answers but I would get none just her response “All your answers are at the back of the restaurant, don’t worry no one else is coming in.” I looked in her eyes, they were sharp and blue and seemed to both insult and pity me at the same time. I looked to her companions to try and gauge their emotions when I realized they all had their heads down revealing only raven black hair. Then she spoke again “Jonathan is waiting.” I walked down the aisle to the back not knowing why I hadn’t left I should have. My legs became weak again as I began to walk to the back I heard the little voice telling me to get out but I had come this far and I was half sure this was a fear factor and that I wouldn’t be hurt. Then I as got closer I heard a slight laughing, then I realized it was the laughing I heard before I got in my car at home, evil and maniacal it cut straight through my soul like a frozen dagger and I stopped, I couldn’t move, I was too scared to see what was making the laugh, like when your so scared you don’t want to move or speak or even think thoughts, playing dead hoping it would stop. And I didn’t breathe in the silence that ensued maybe he wouldn’t know I was here and I could leave. Then he spoke...

To be continued...

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