Raphael #17: A Night in the Fog part 3

At this point tonight somehow this crazy homeless person doesn't surprise me. What the hell was I suppose to do, so I honked my horn again. Nothing happened he just stood there, then he looked to the sky and began to talk "Armageddon is upon us my son" I then rolled down my window and replied "Yeah I heard about that last week, now can you please move out of the road?" Still nothing, what does this guy want, hey I'll ask that "hey fella what do you want from me if Armageddon is upon us?" Then I thought maybe I shouldn't have asked him because then he spoke and his voice began to boom louder with every word as his eyes grew big and the fixed into my own " You can accept my lord and master as you true savior and FIGHT in HIS army on the day of judgment." "hey come over to the window I can't hear you you" Then he slowly walked over (Tires screech) and I left quickly very quickly. I continued driving in what seemed to be a night with a curse. I ripped through the fog that appeared at times to be a wall, almost like they were closing in on me. The radio in the car was off and the silence made me on edge but I needed to concentrate, it's obvious that this night wasn't going to go away easily.

I drove up to the Denny's and looked around, I didn't see Rob's jeep anywhere, I guess he isn't here yet. the parking lot was empty with the exception of 2 cars the waiter and the cook probably. The night hadn't become any more forgiving as I surveyed the parking lot. the shadows were everywhere and a slight breeze was whistling through the tree's and whispering my name in the darkness. Then from the corner of my eye I saw a shadow move! What the hell was that! It's probably just a tree in the wind.....there it is again, I saw it move but this time it looked like a persons shadow moving from dark spot to dark spot. My mind raced and my heart pounded, I could hear it nearly jump out of my throat. Thump thump, thump thump, thump thump. My eyes criss crossed the parking lot franticly searching. Then my attention shifted 180 degrees when I saw headlights coming my way. I was hoping it was Rob but as it got closer I realized it wasn't.

To be continued...

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