Raphael #16: A Night in the Fog part 2

I threw on some shabby clothes that were wrinkled and laying on the ground. I moved quickly and before a minute was up I was out the door. I stopped for a second to lock it, then when I turned around to go to my car I see standing right there a big black cat staring at me with a pair of freaky glowing green eyes. I didn't have time for this shit so I began to walk to my car when HSSSSS, came from the cat so I turned around and....there was nothing just an empty walkway and leaves. I walked to my car in an attempt to find some sanity. Sometimes the night seems dead and harmless but not tonight. The fog was thick like a blanket but there was only one thing the fog couldn't cover, a bright blaring full moon. I stopped for a second and I don't know why but it caught me in a trance, then I began to hear a slight laughing in the background I searched around but visibility was about 5 feet and I saw nothing but I could hear a chuckling not like something was funny but as if someone was laughing at me. Whatever the hell it was, it sounded evil and it got closer and closer. Then I felt the fear in my heart as my legs went weak and chill fell over my entire body.

Now in traditional horror movies this is where the stupid people get killed "investigating" but not real people we get in our cars and get the fuck outta Dodge. I'm no expert but something is wrong tonight and whatever is happening with Rob I doubt I can help him, if his night is anything like mine he needs a priest not a friend. I was on my way to Denny's which is rather close to my house literally down the street about 2 miles. I thought ok now I will talk to Rob and figure out if he knows what the hell is happening, a pleasant thought but one couldn't go three feet this night without running into something bizarre. On the way not too far from my house was a man standing in the middle of the road. He looked like a crazy homeless man, usually the kind you see in downtown. I could care less except that he was in the middle of the goddamn street. I drove right up hoping he would move, there would be no such luck. The headlights flashed and I turned on my brights but he stood there staring into into space as if there was no car. He had a grizzled face beaten by the elements, the frosty wind and the constant rain that had come lately, I guess being homeless takes it's toll. His face was hidden under an obviously dirty gray knotted beard. He grinned at the air revealing his smile with an assortment of missing teeth. I honked the horn "Get out of the way!" Then he stopped looking around and stared directly at me, his eyes became huge and began to have a green tint and he looked at me the exact same way as the cat. Then he spoke in a weak scratched voice "Beware"....well at least the night wasn't boring.

To be continued....

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