Raphael #15: A Night in the Fog part 1

This is one of those stories that your not really sure how it happened and you were so surprised when it did happen that the shock made me question it long after. The story ironically started under a blanket of midnight fog, the kind that wraps around the suburbs here. It's not cold, it just gives you that eerie feeling that something is rotten in Denmark. I thought the night was over. No one had called and I think everyone was working. It didn't bother me any, there would be other adventures and I needed a good nights rest. I crawled into bed and the warmth sent me into bliss. I was so comfortable I could have died that very moment, then, BZZZZZZ, that was my pager the tool of choice when late night ventures were in order. My eyes opened immediately, more out of surprise than anything. I picked up my pager to see who it was, it's just Rob probably paging to see what is happening tonight. Something is weird, he paged me 911 and he never does that. I picked up the phone to call him, the phone only rang once when he picked up with an urgent "Is this Raph?" I was a little shocked he never seemed that on edge then I replied "Yeah what's going down?" then there was a silence for about 5 seconds his heavy breathing told me something is definitely amidst, then he spoke again. "Can't talk meet me an Denny's now!" his words came in like a shot and before I could ask more the dial tone rang in my ear like a siren. I then sat up with my face in my hands and I remember the exact words that croaked from my throat "This is gonna be big fucking trouble" I thought the night was over, I was so wrong because it was just beginning.

To be continued.....

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