Raphael #14: The Guy in the Shack

It's 2:30 do you know where my ass is? Do you really wanna know? What a perv. Anyways how goes it to all the good readers who still read despite my painfully dull existence. If your name was Frank I could call you Franky, so that is what your name shall be. So Franky here's my new story.

There's a guy who lives in a shack. His name is Frank (Just like you) he lives near a bank. But dare we visit him not for he has a secret plot. Insane some say he is, insane we say he is, but his plot is to build a plane and eat some pez. His plane to the moon and back in 80 days without a frown, he's in a purple haze even drinking the bong water down. So I went there one day to ask his advice and maybe steal some rice. I went to the shack and knocked like a mouse and what would happen that I should see, but his door fell over gleefully. Yes the door was gleeful dammit. I would state once and then maybe twice my name was Raph and I need some advice. His response cunning and inane "Who calls on me without a name." I told you my name twice asshole now pay attention. I need some advice o wise one,here is some Tabasco and a burrito of fun. (Shutup the burrito kicks ass) "Ah you know the way,for munchies without food will kill a day. What is you quandary and make it fast or I'll stick this Burrito in your ass" I have to ask without a doubt why am I here and why do I count. He then looked up with a burrito stained face and replied "Would you like a taste." No I would not like a taste for I've had burrito's in morning and night with tacos and cheese so I beg of you please answer the question I've put before thee. The old man continued to eat and eat I wasn't impressed for he'd shown me no feet....of greatness. This old man isn't worth my time so I pulled out my nine shot him in the spine and still I felt fine. I stole his plane,smoked with Mary Jane and began to think, I should go to Denny's.

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