Deoxy #10: No Authority


I think by now everyone's seen the two latest beatings of blacks by white policemen. Sadly, this helps to put yet another staple to the fact that I just don't respect higher authority anymore. What ever happened to the days when cops were supposed to be our friends, teaching us that drugs were bad? Now, they teach us one thing and one thing only: not to fuck with them.

Listen, I understand everyone has a breaking point, but come on! How many Manson type murders do they see daily that would make them go Clockwork Orange over expired licence plates? I refuse to believe that the murder problem is as bad as the media makes it sound. After all, media is the ultimate sales tool. (Check out the blood drive segments and adopt a pet to cement mt theory.) The whole "9-11" scare, I've slowly realized, is bullshit. After all, thousands more die of heart attacks a year, but no one does anything about it because McDonalds sponsors TV shows like "Friends." The whole Columbine thing was bullshit, too. The same amount of kids that died in that school are shot every day in ghettos. It was just a rare occurance that they were all at the same place at the same time, plus the fact that they took place in an upper crust white community made the taxpayers nervously watch the news in horror, and then they all got a mysterious craving for a Big Mac.

I bring this up because this new generation of cops grew up in the TV controlled society. (Including our friend who beat the black kid, the 24 year old Morse.) By listening to the news make a river out of a leak, even I would be worried and mad. More good examples of this are shows like "COPS." I bet the outtakes from that show are dull bits from the donut shop. By showing the good stuff, like car chases and running drug bandits, hell, I would want to kick some ass at the end, too!

If anything, I think cops should terrorize coffie shops. They overcharge, everyone there looks like Weezer, and I think it would be cool if they beat up some middle class white kids for a change.

Another problem I see that contributes to the violent tension is the whole race thing. We took people from their home, and brought them here to clean our horse stalls and pick cotton, and then we beat them! And seeing as all this ended about a mere 150 years ago... after HUNDREDS of years of being enslaved, I'd be a little ticked, too, especially after all that, being forced to use a different water fountain and not being allowed to go to a good school. Yes, I make prejudiced remarks, just like every one does behind your black co-workers back, but when it all comes down to it, I really don't care what you long as you don't fuck with me! I prefer to leave everyone alone, and if you don't like someone for what they are, you can talk all the shit you want. (After all, this is America.) But c'mon, don't you think beating people up is a little too much? After all, his decendants probably picked cotton for your grandfather...after which more beating occured.

If anything, we should all riot in La Jolla. The Upper class has better shit than us, and I think it's time we take a piece of the pie! That would be fucking cool to have Buffy's head on a stake while we flush her caviar down the toilet.
See what TV's done to me?

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