Hello, my name is Armand Glocro, and this is my introductory article. What's that you say? Where's Vomit God? Is this a name change? To both questions I say: no. Vomit God and I are two separate people, and rest assured, he is brewing up another spite-filled article as we speak. I believe a little introduction is in order.

One of Vomit God's most recent works was "Vomit God: Behind The Muzak" where he questioned his critics and exposed them to the world as the cowardly, mewling children with wildly spinning opinions like rampant SCUD missles, like they were. He began to think to himself, that there were two universes: one,the "real world" where people basically walked around with targets painted on them crying to be lambasted for their lies, and two, the universe known as "The World of Vocephus."

Vomit God began to think to himself, that his article was too miniscule, too little of importance, to matter to him, because it dealt with other staffers. That's where I came in. The "World of Vocephus" has it's staff, of which he is one of the members, and now Vomit God has his new underling, me. I am now his shield, his media lackey, who will respond to all the critcs on the cyber world in a manner like his own. I urge you now, staffers to speak softly, and choose your words wisely, for Vomit God's own "junior staffer," Armand Glocro is on the prowl. So remember, I know that you were all touched in naughty ways as children, and your anger is at the world who created you!!! I say to you now: BE ANGRY AT THOSE WHO DON"T RESPECT YOUR INTELLIGENCE!!! Be angry at your english teacher, Mrs. Beakly, who gave you an "F" on your creative writing essay, because she couldn't read it!! Be angry at your neighbors because they look down on you because you still like to play with the sprinkler! Be angry at the man at "Denny's" because he thinks you are strange because you say: "That Texas toast better be the size of Texas!" So BEWARE, FOR I AM......

ARMAND GLOCRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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