Vomit God #24: Mommy, Will We Hate Back?

(My last word on this media war.)

Watching the almighty news conglomerate today, I saw the release of the Osama Bin Laden tape, where he gloats and (gasp!) smiles about how he was involved in the September 11 attacks. After absorbing all of this, the Holy Television proceeded to show interviews with our top leaders.

One interview struck me as ridiculous, and extremely disturbing.

It was with the Republican minority leader of the House. Gloating, he said how he hoped that we would kill Osama bin Laden. The tone in his voice, I had heard it before. It was the same tone that the little boys with plastic guns used when they were playing soldier. It was not him that was talking, it was his television.

I notice a difference between me and other people who were raised in front of the TV. For one thing, when I did watch television, it was usually "Dr. Who" or the occasional episode of "The Avengers." I spent the rest of my time as a child looking for UFO's, running from animals, or looking for the doorway to an alternate dimention. I did not watch very many 80's sitcoms, which I have a feeling were designed by the Reagan administration to invoke a feeling of "safe America."

People who watched television from the 1950's to the 80's are driven to hatred easily. Their lives in front of technology and government regulated programs have made them two sided coins, love for their storybook American lives on one, and hatred, misunderstanding, and intolerence for all things that conflict with the first side on the other.

These people cannot break out of their ethnocentric, materialistc viewpoints because television has made them a cozy coccoon, where questioning anything equals treason.
By saying that we hope Osama dies, we are doing exactly what he wants us to do. What, he tells people to fly airplanes into buildings and expects us to drop flowers over Afghanistan? Nope, he knows how proud we are of our American Ways(TM), and how easy it is for us to hate, so he can draw us into his jihad.

I say, stop the war, stop supplying weapons and dropping bombs on the Middle East, and pay more attention to our homeland security.

Boy, that sure would fuck with Osama if we sent him an (anthrax free) greeting card instead of a Daisy Cutter.

By the way, dropping bombs safely overhead is more cowardly than flying the entire plane into a building! 'Nuff Said.

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