KAISER #13: As Good A Reason To Join the Air Force As Any

Boredom, my arch nemesis. I sit here at my computer with umpteen dollars in computer games, music and movies and not even the thought of enjoying them crosses my mind. In my consumer’s career I have purchased more than my share of Comics, DVDs, Games, Toys, Stereo equipment, CDs etc. And what do I do with it all, let it collect dust on my shelves. Sad, but maybe I am beginning to realize my own vises. It leads me to believe that I am that 9 year old screaming “Mommy mommy buy me this useless toy I shall ruthlessly destroy only minutes after you fold under my ensuing tantrum”. Coupled with the pocketbook of a 19 year old who works and has no expenses other than his insatiable need to buy anything that he might squeeze an once of entertainment out of. But back to the main point, Boredom, a foe. I cannot stay entertained, it’s sad. Everything I buy, everything I see or play eventually gets trite. Some quicker than others might I add. So I buy more and more in a vain effort to stay in a state of elated happiness. Reagan would be proud. It’s a viscous cycle to be true, one that I fear won’t break for some time. But till then here I sit, boosting the economy whilst gathering media about me. So what does one do with 137 hours 2 minutes and 31 seconds of music? That he has so far bothered to rip onto his computer. Not a thing, listen to each bit of it over and over till I never listen to it again. I’m like a plague. I think I just need a new hobby, or at least something to do with my free time…

I know, I’ll join the Air Force, hizzah! See ye in four years!

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