Hot Alicia #8: The Cocktease Generation

You will say this is obvious. You will say this has always been this way. I will still say this. Media is raising a generation of cock teases.

As far as girls go, you are supposed to look a certain way. You are supposed to be sexy but not sexually active. You are supposed to dress like a stripper but not strip. You are supposed to be embarrassed or even appalled that you are the subject of wet dreams.

Where's that written?

Everywhere. Pop star "divas" dress in less than I have ever been seen in at the beach to award shows and in music videos, but are then praised for remaining chaste.

Jessica Simpson, for example, a preacher's daughter, swore that she would never show her belly. Guess who is on the cover of Maxim this month? That's right. Now from the cover, I didn't see belly. But I did see a whole lot of her ta-tas spilling out over her corset. That's how all nuns I ever see dress. So that's telling preteen fans to look like this and not do anything physically to act on it. But just to be fair, let's see what we can find her to say about this. I went to Surprise, surprise, the opening page starts out with a close-up of her belly and then pans up past her boobs in a tight tshirt and then to her face. Lips that say, "I may be dumb, but I know what I'm doing to you" However, this blurb is from her bios page:
The singer is also out to prove that confidence can be sexy. Case in point, the album's title cut and first single, a percussive shuffler that smolders without stepping over the line of what Jessica deems as good taste. "You have to have boundaries," she asserts. "I'm trying to give an image of a young confident woman on that song, as well as on the rest of the album."

Let's check on Britney Spears. Swears up and down that she is a good southern baptist girl, and then comes right out and strips on the MTV music awards. (By the way, wasn't it just a while ago that she and boyfriend Justin Timberlake were upset about a videotape being stolen from their room on vacation?) Again, though, her scantily clad picture is flashed on the page next to the one that quotes her as saying she is a virgin and plans to remain that way.

I'm not calling them liars. I really don't care if they are sleeping around. However, I don't appreciate my little sisters worrying about how their butts look in jeans when they haven't even talked to a boy on the phone because that's the image that they see. Dressing like that doesn't make you a slut, but it does make you a cocktease. You are creating the idea that you will suck dick or be an easy lay. The message the media is conveying is look like me, but act like a nun. I'm telling you that you can't sleep with anyone, but I'm showing you that this is how you dress. I don't know any other way to express is than cock teases.

I'm not promoting any illegal activity here, but take a look at the average 13/14 year old girl. She has pants that barely cover her butt crack and shirts that threat to cut off circulation, and as much as they talk about who's hot, I bet half of them have never been kissed. Sexual liberation in women is one thing, but having a girl who barely gets the concept of emotional attachment and sexual relations dress like she's looking to get laid is just ridiculous.

Now don't get me wrong, I think it's fine for adolescent girls to be pretty. I think it's fine for them to wear makeup and gets their ears pierced and have boyfriends. I don't think that it's cool for them to dress like barflies or go-go dancers. I'm also not saying that they are too young to have that sort of feelings. My cocktease theory doesn't apply only to virgins. I mean, having slept with one steady boyfriends doesn't make you a slut. But just because you have put out doesn't mean you will again to anyone else, so why be a tease?

I mean, it's all good for a person to dress any way they want to. Now, what does a girl say when they want to hurt another girl? They call them a whore. We've all read my hate mail, come on. Now, they have never actually seen or heard of me taking money in return for sexual favors, but still, it's that word. And what does it denote? Dirtiness, skankiness, all the things you don't want to be. But then they also say well, you're ugly. So, that means you want to be pretty and chaste. Again, a generation of cock teases.

Do I personally think that they really believe I sell my body? No. I think they are upset that they see me doing something that they are not able to do. Seeing that I have been accepted in places they have not makes them want to bring me down a notch. So insinuating that I truly do have loose morals is their arrows at me. Saying I suck literal cock - just another desperate swipe at my cheek. And why is it supposed to hurt? Because being at ease with sex and getting it often makes you a bad person. Being ugly makes you a bad person. Again, media has made people believe that you are supposed to be pretty, but not use that to get sex. You have to be good looking and pure.

Anyway. Fuck it. I'm not a hooker, I'm not slutty, I want and sleep with only my husband, and someone will probably still write and email anyway about how I'm a cock tease, too, and how I should be kicked off the site. Well, Fuck You.

And remember - just because you can't succeed (I am speaking directly to Ms. Low here), trying to be slutty makes you just as dirty as actually doing it.

Hot Alicia

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