Ginger #2: The disposition of woman transmuted into the strange new forms of men: Part Two

The disposition of woman transmuted into the strange new forms of men: Part Two
by Ginger Somos

November 15, 2001

Girls are soft, not so in the sense of a feeling of absorbent tissue, but in the sense of their compete makeup, genetic or otherwise. Rarely do we see a girl without pain, without pity, for a lowland creature, caught in the nets of a brutish, hairy male. A girl needs to be pushed, to reach beyond the limits of sanity to experience the male sexual arousal included with the hunt, the trapping, and finally, the kill.

Why is this “behavior code” inside my brain? Why am I doomed to forever be the damsel in distress, cowering in a corner while two Arrol Fylnns swash buckle over me? Why must I assume the position on the mantle of the victor as a deer killed in the hunter’s fight? I’ll tell you something: I don’t have to be. Neither do any other women.

Why are women this way? I have a couple ideas itchy-scratchin’ in my cranial crankcase. One could be society clutching us [women] in a coy grip, which we dare not squirm, or suffer a severe ringin’. (I must sound more dramatic than a high school theater.)

It’s my belief that pulp productions such as Cosmopolitan, JANE, YM, Seventeen (etcetera) inject a mental suppository into women. If TV, Magazines, peers, film & music teach young girls to uphold a subservient role; they will know nothing else but obey.

Lets take a brief look (and by no means complete or accurate representation) at the various creative elements in society:

1.) Music: A Male Domain.
2.) Film: A male world
3.) Writing: Male dominated.

This is not the end all be all, sure, there are women doing fantastic work in each of the aforementioned categories, but this dichotomy is about as symmetrical as the breasts in Michelangelo's 1524 sculpture of "Night".


No medical reason can explain this. Women are equally gifted with gray matter, freedom of thought and desire. What is the cause? My notion on the matter relates back to women being suffocated by role subversion. The introverted gender seems to have a harder time abjuring themselves from societal regimented thought. Everyone in our American culture has the responsibility to chisel an individual out of the bland mass of rock known as “US”. Men have a less difficult time in completing this task due to their fewer societal regulations. Women, have the most difficult crux to solve.

So, what does all this trash mean?

Next time (ladies) you look at yourself in the mirror, don’t worry about looking “unattractive” or fat. Do something creative for yourself. Write, play music, wear a garbage bag for a dress. Learn to use your wit! Stop being cute. And more importantly, don’t be afraid to rip one in front of a crowd.

-E.A. Walnut.

G. Somos

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