Drunken Dwarf Chat Exploit #1


Hello all! I am pleased to announce my presence in the World of Vocephus! I am Drunken Dwarf and I will be taking you into the dark underbelly of the beast known as internet chat rooms. But first off, you may be thinking “Who is Drunken Dwarf?” I have been wondering the same thing. Hopefully my chat explorations will unearth the true me. But until then…get your own life! Just kidding folks. Now I had to think, how can I make my first appearance in the WOV a memorable one. Show naked pictures of myself? Pay everyone who reads my exploits $500? No…since that is just…well…dumb. So instead I decided to bring my good friend Vocephus with me on my harrowing adventure! So sit back and relax as you will be immersed in the world of chat.

OK well where to go first. It had to be something spectacular, something magnificent. Unfortunately we couldn’t find a room matching that description. So instead we visited Married Bored Women. Here is an excerpt from that room:

DaDrunkenDwarf : I came in hopes of talking with a married bored woman
FeelRealGood : now what
Vocephus : Hence the room name...
8RiCko4U has left the conversation.
8FeelRealGood has left the conversation.
Vocephus : I have a suggestion for all you MARRIED BORED WOMEN...go vacuum! Make a pie! Make some babies! HA!
8JimEagle10 has joined the conversation.
DaDrunkenDwarf : Now that is mean Vocephus
Vocephus : It's not mean...I'm trying to help.
DaDrunkenDwarf : You know they can only do two of the three at once
8Guest_Rose_441 has left the conversation.
8Guest_SassiPatti has left the conversation.
8Guest_iceman739 has left the conversation.
Vocephus : I never said to do them all at the same time...but making pies while making babies sounds like something I could get into...

As you can see, not only did the room suck, but we managed to annoy 5 people out of the room! I feel that deserves personal pats on the back. Now we were obviously bored, I mean, what else are chat rooms for. So our next stop would be to the Teen Poets room. Here is the next exciting chat:

Vocephus : Wow.
Vocephus : Packed house tonight, huh?
DaDrunkenDwarf : Hi room!!!!
huxleyvena : suffocating.
Vocephus : Watch out, it's a lively bunch.
huxleyvena : aye, that.
huxleyvena : too much of us is delirious.
cowboy_regular : the nice girls are gonna break every rule in the Book
DaDrunkenDwarf : I have been dying to hear some of my favorite poets
huxleyvena : better leave.
huxleyvena : the poets would probably appreciate you dying.
huxleyvena : they're sick like that.
cowboy_regular : the nice girls are gonna break every rule in the Book
huxleyvena : and they love it.
huxleyvena : cowboy. yes. ehm.
Vocephus : Is that poetry, or are you having trouble gathering your thoughts tongiht?
huxleyvena : it is the simultaneous combustion, ceph.
Vocephus : Right-o.
huxleyvena : but otherwise, "no".
huxleyvena : drunken dwarves are hideous.
DaDrunkenDwarf : I am not!

As you can guess, I was upset. You don’t make fun of dwarves. Dwarves are people too….very short people…but people nonetheless.

Vocephus : Okay, I've been working on a poem, but I can't think of anything that rhymes with "Nantucket"..
huxleyvena : mobile gnomes are worse.
DaDrunkenDwarf : bucket
Vocephus : Ah! Perfect!
huxleyvena : suck it?
DaDrunkenDwarf : I have a friend who is a gnome! He gets around
huxleyvena : your friend deserves to die.
huxleyvena : i am sorry, but that's for true.
Vocephus : It's not easy being a gnome...not that I'd know.
huxleyvena : *firm nod*
DaDrunkenDwarf : Why do you harbor a hatred for my kind?
Vocephus : Hux, you seem like a right cheery fella, ain't ya?
huxleyvena : no.
Vocephus : Well, bust my zipper!
huxleyvena : that's madame to you.
huxleyvena : *thwap*
Vocephus : Ah...how could I not have know.
huxleyvena : i won't answer that.
DaDrunkenDwarf : wait wait wait
huxleyvena : and if not?
DaDrunkenDwarf : I am still stuck on the down with short people idea
huxleyvena : stuck on the down?
huxleyvena : *blink?*
DaDrunkenDwarf : On the fact you hate us...or find us disgusting
huxleyvena : i do not hate you.
huxleyvena : i just find you disgusting...
Vocephus : I haven't even read you any of my deep, moving poetry yet.
cowboy_regular : the nice girls are gonna break every rule in the Book(Personal note: This guy will NOT stop saying that)
huxleyvena : deep moving poetry drowns you in yourself.
huxleyvena : i bet you're great. :-}
huxleyvena : drunkendwarf.
DaDrunkenDwarf : Have you met me? Have you tasted my saliva? Have you looked down to find my head under your dress? I think not
huxleyvena : take heed.
huxleyvena looks down.
huxleyvena extracts a butterknife.
DaDrunkenDwarf : ???

I was pretty surprised. I mean she was virtually trying to attack me. It was a first. But I hope not the last.

Vocephus : It goes like this...*ahem*..."In the forest, there was a tree. The tree, you see, represents me. The tree got cut, the tree fell down. No one picked it up off the ground. I've fallen, and I can't get up."
huxleyvena chases the mobile dwarf.
huxleyvena : ahaha, ceph.
DaDrunkenDwarf : I am drunken!!!

Why she was insistent on the whole “mobile” thing is beyond me.

huxleyvena : damn. i am. moved.
huxleyvena : deeply. aye.
Vocephus : I just had a movement myself...ugh..that brisket is NOT siting right.
DaDrunkenDwarf : I have a poem
Vocephus : Oh, joy!
DaDrunkenDwarf : I will not drink vodka in a cup, I will not drink it with a pup, I will not drink gas and beer, I will not drink it you rainbow deer(Personal Note: I am a fan of Dr.Suess…can you tell? Well actually I am not…anyways…)
Vocephus : Wow...I mean....wow....I'm wiping away tears over here.
DaDrunkenDwarf : It is some of my best work
8huxleyvena has left the conversation.
Vocephus : What a shame.
Vocephus : I guess we out-poeted the poets, eh?
DaDrunkenDwarf : I have more!
Vocephus : Alas, they fall upon deaf ears, friend.
DaDrunkenDwarf : ..........

Now wasn’t that pure, edge of your seat excitement! I need to create a book of poems. That might be a side project. Vocephus did promise me a whole page of my own. I am…so honored…I…I am speechless. Anyways, if you think this is the end then you are sadly mistaken. I have more chats to go! Next stop on the chat room express, Guys and Girls That Sleep With Family! Here you go:

FootballjockSHS : i need my fucken cock sucked ladies
DaDrunkenDwarf : who doesn't lol
8one_and_only_train has joined the conversation.
Vocephus : That's one way to put it...
8ÇÅÑÐÄ€Ê has left the conversation.
Vocephus : Didja ever try asking nicely?
8one_and_only_train has left the conversation.
8texas_mike1 has left the conversation.
8loverguy_2 has left the conversation.

If you haven’t guessed, it seems that when we enter chat rooms, people leave. I can assure everyone, we are not leperous…well, maybe Vocephus

FootballjockSHS : that was nice i said ladies didnt i
DaDrunkenDwarf : I guess...
Vocephus : Oh, yeah...I'm sure you're a real hit with the women.
Vocephus : Then again, what do I know?
stevn0 : my girl friend wants to know how big footballjock
Vocephus : Dwarf, you gettin' any yet?
DaDrunkenDwarf : anyways...Who is sleeping with family?
DaDrunkenDwarf : no....
8playaz_6363 has left the conversation.
FootballjockSHS : only 7and a half
Vocephus : I hope you're talking about width...
stevn0 : she doesnt believe ut
Vocephus : As well she shouldn't.
Vocephus : Let me tell you all something about the internet...
FootballjockSHS : that's actually true
Vocephus : It's a meeting place for Fat Chicks and Small Dicks.
FootballjockSHS : but im not very fat
FootballjockSHS : lol
DaDrunkenDwarf : .........
Vocephus : Yeah.
luv2tri : m 31 here....l like to suck cock
Vocephus : This is just a regular swingin' joint.
8The_King_of_Ice has joined the conversation.
Vocephus : Fook this.
Vocephus : Let's blow...and not in THAT way.

OK…I am truly sorry about that last chat room. I only included it because, hey, I was in the room and I am just the best. OK well enough about me. Let’s talk about the next room, the best room, and the final room (I hear you guys cheering! I am offended), Madam Tada – Psychic! Let us see what the world holds for our brave heroes in our final room of the night.

Vocephus : I thought she was talking a break, or do you posess some ability yourself?
Angyl1999 : can I really talk to a psycic?
JoyBoyWG : I might
JoyBoyWG : Try me
Vocephus : Alrighty then...what color shirt am I wearing right now?
DaDrunkenDwarf : I am waiting for my turn with Madam Tada
JoyBoyWG : Yes Angy, But she is taking a brake right now
Vocephus : Just as a test...
JoyBoyWG : Hello Dwarf
JoyBoyWG : Howdy buddy
DaDrunkenDwarf : Hi!!!!!
Angyl1999 : do you know when she will be back?
DaDrunkenDwarf : Finally a friend!
Madam_Tada : ok im back
Vocephus : Gee...thanks a pan load, dwarf..

I felt bad…I had finally found a friend, maybe someone to spend those drunken nights with. But I overlooked my good buddy Vocephus. I guess I hurt his feelings. But if you read on further, you will see that there will be more people in his life other than me

JoyBoyWG : yes ! I see her comming back ....... Just now
Madam_Tada : i had to refresh
Vocephus : Ha!
DaDrunkenDwarf : Yay!!!! I will stop drinking for this occasion
JoyBoyWG : See I was right
Vocephus : To bad it's real time text, JoyBoy..heh.
Angyl1999 : welcome back
8Shaymee1 has joined the conversation.
JoyBoyWG : Pooof and she was here
Angyl1999 : can i be next?
Shaymee1 : hiii i am back
JoyBoyWG : hey angy
Vocephus : I believe I got here before you, Angyl..
JoyBoyWG : you can
DaDrunkenDwarf : so did I...I think
Vocephus : But then agian...
Vocephus : Let's let the psycic decide.
Shaymee1 : ok
Angyl1999 : ok, can i go after whoever?
Vocephus : After all, she's doing all the work, right?
Angyl1999 : yep
Shaymee1 : where is she?
Madam_Tada : ok let me talk with one person at a time here
Angyl1999 : sounds kosher
Vocephus : Agreed.
DaDrunkenDwarf : kosher....
Angyl1999 : me nxt! me next!
Angyl1999 : lol
Vocephus : It's a jewish thing...you wouldn't understand..

I will have to ask Vocephus to explain the whole kosher concept…damn jews…I hope none of you are Jews. If you are I am sorry but what is up with the word Kosher?

Shaymee1 : lol
Madam_Tada : wait
Angyl1999 : just kidding
Madam_Tada : let me talk to jayboy first
Shaymee1 : JB!!!!!!!!
JoyBoyWG : Here I am oh ! great lady
Vocephus : Fair enough.
Madam_Tada : what was your question
JoyBoyWG : Hi Shame
Angyl1999 : i'm actually not jewish
Shaymee1 : hiii sweetie
Angyl1999 : but oh, well
Madam_Tada : quiet everyone
Vocephus : It's okay. I still love you.
JoyBoyWG : My question was "Why did U want my name and date of birth"
Shaymee1 : shhhhhhh
Angyl1999 : yes ma'm
Madam_Tada : cause i need to get a little infor about you in order to give you a reading
Shaymee1 : yes ..get vibration
Angyl1999 : thank you vocephus
Madam_Tada : now first off
DaDrunkenDwarf : me too
JoyBoyWG : Okay here is a big one, Will I ever get to see my dream girl and who will she be
Madam_Tada : i cant give you exact answers
Madam_Tada : i can only guide you to the truth
JoyBoyWG : Guide me , Oh ! Great Lady
Madam_Tada : ok
DaDrunkenDwarf : cause that would be real fortune telling

As you can see, I could already tell she was a quack. I like that word. I hope it made sense. Anyways I decided to go along with it.

Madam_Tada : now what is your dream lady
Madam_Tada : is this some one you dream about or what (Personal Note: Duh!)
8Angyl1999 is away.
JoyBoyWG : Well...... yes
8Angyl1999 has left the conversation.
Madam_Tada : hmmmmm
Madam_Tada : so you havent met her
JoyBoyWG : not in person
DaDrunkenDwarf : I want to see the Tada part come into play
Madam_Tada : well do you think she would like to meet you (Yet another Personal Note: …Now who is the psychic?)
JoyBoyWG : Ha Ha I hope she does
Madam_Tada : well what qualities do you offer
Madam_Tada : why should she like you
JoyBoyWG : Well, That is for U to tell me I guess
DaDrunkenDwarf : speak my brotha!
Madam_Tada : now i cant tell you everything
Madam_Tada : but wait
Shaymee1 : gosh
Madam_Tada : i sense someone else in your life
JoyBoyWG : Gee
Madam_Tada : someone you have not met yet
JoyBoyWG : met....???? no
DaDrunkenDwarf : then how is she in your life...
Madam_Tada : she is about your height and age
8Angyl1999 has joined the conversation.
Shaymee1 : hiii angy
JoyBoyWG : I have not seen her
Madam_Tada : and very pretty
JoyBoyWG : so I would not know
Angyl1999 : i'm back, can i have my turn yet?
Madam_Tada : but you will meet her
Vocephus : Nope.
JoyBoyWG : where ?
Vocephus : Yer after me, kid.
Angyl1999 : can i be next, i need to go soon

Don’t worry, Angyl did this for the entire chat. But after awhile she grows on you…like a fungus, a green slimy one

Madam_Tada : just a sec angry
Angyl1999 : ?
Madam_Tada : do you still go to school
JoyBoyWG : nope
Angyl1999 : please....i will love you all
JoyBoyWG : passed that age
Angyl1999 : [flower picture]
Angyl1999 : [kisses]
JoyBoyWG : [flower picture]
Angyl1999 : [assorted pictures]
DaDrunkenDwarf : You don't bring me flowers... (Personal Note: Damn Barbra Streisand!)
Vocephus : Hey, I'm in the hospital, and I need to know if I'm going to get a spleen donor or not.
Madam_Tada : there is this place that you like to go to a lot
Angyl1999 : wahy not?
JoyBoyWG : yes
Madam_Tada : you will met her at this place
Angyl1999 : can't i bring you flowers?
Vocephus : That, and next Saturday's lotto numbers..
DaDrunkenDwarf : you can...you just don't...
JoyBoyWG : where ?
Angyl1999 : don't you like my flowers?
Angyl1999 : don't you like my flowers?
Madam_Tada : too many questions
Vocephus : They're very...digital.
Shaymee1 : gosh
JoyBoyWG : I like your flowers
DaDrunkenDwarf : they were for Tada...not me
Vocephus : Oh.
Angyl1999 : spleen donor my a**
Angyl1999 : lol
JoyBoyWG : a little thing in exchange for your flowers [present picture]
Angyl1999 : thank you
Vocephus : It's a bomb!
Shaymee1 : gosh, nice
Angyl1999 : no
DaDrunkenDwarf : nobody loves me...you all drove me to drinking!!!!

I couldn’t help me, they drove me into a bitter drunken rage. Well, I would have done it anyways…but now I had an excuse

Angyl1999 : !!!!!!!!!
Madam_Tada : but jayboy you have to watch for her
Angyl1999 : BS
JoyBoyWG : I am
Vocephus : Okay, okay...settle down, kids...yer mussing up the vibrations.
Madam_Tada : ok thats all i can say right now
JoyBoyWG : but hsmae won't help me in "Watching her"
JoyBoyWG :
Angyl1999 : are you about done joyboy
JoyBoyWG : yup
Madam_Tada : ok next person
Angyl1999 : i need my turn so i can go
Angyl1999 : me!!!
Vocephus : That'd be me.
Vocephus : nope!
Madam_Tada : vocephus
Vocephus : Ha!
Angyl1999 : noooooo!!!!!
Madam_Tada : name and birthdate
Shaymee1 : lol
Angyl1999 : ur mean
Angyl1999 : lol
Vocephus : *ahem*...okay, now what do you need from me, Madam?
Madam_Tada : patience
DaDrunkenDwarf : He's mean? You don't bring me flowers...anymore(Personal Note: Barbra just wouldn’t get out of my head! I swear it was evil subliminal messages! The bitch must be stopped)
Angyl1999 : Heather Jan 4, 1982
Vocephus : Right....(winks at Angyl)
Angyl1999 : lol
Madam_Tada : vocephus
Vocephus : Yes'm?
Madam_Tada : name and birthdate
Angyl1999 : go ahead (she says begrudgingly)
Madam_Tada : first name only
Angyl1999 : *sigh*
Angyl1999 : lol
Vocephus : Fair enough....Shaun, April the 29th, in the year of our Lord 1981
Angyl1999 : but i want to be next......please
DaDrunkenDwarf : nope!
DaDrunkenDwarf : I am
Angyl1999 : hey
Angyl1999 : ur mean
DaDrunkenDwarf : :P
Madam_Tada : ok vocephus what is your question
Shaymee1 : lol
Vocephus : Angyl, I do have mild psychic ability...you can ask me stuff. I mean, that too. A tarot card lady in L.A. said I did, and so did my psychic friend Laura at my college...

Could Vocephus be telling the truth? Doubtful. Have to ask him sometime…

Vocephus : Okay, Madam...gimmie a sec to think of a good one.
Shaymee1 : gosh
Madam_Tada : and dont ask about your spleen
Madam_Tada : just a general question please
Madam_Tada : no lotto numbers
Vocephus : Alright, is the girl that sits next to me in Film Class the girl for me?
Madam_Tada : no
Madam_Tada : but she likes you
Madam_Tada : and you may date her a while
Vocephus : Dammit! Okay, how about the girl in the coffee shop?
Madam_Tada : but there is someone else
Vocephus : Really?
8Angyl1999 has left the conversation.
JoyBoyWG : coffe shop ?
Shaymee1 : lol
JoyBoyWG : ooooooohhhh
JoyBoyWG : I know her too
Madam_Tada : yeah, but you have not met her yet
JoyBoyWG : LOL
Vocephus : There's a girl that works in the coffee shop in the mall I work at.
Shaymee1 : lol
Shaymee1 : is she cute?
Madam_Tada : well she likes you too, but she is not the one
Shaymee1 : gosh
JoyBoyWG : Hey Vocephus, That is the dream girl that I was talking about
Vocephus : I have not met here...okay, let's test a theroy...where will I meet this girl?
JoyBoyWG : on earth
Madam_Tada : well not in school, and not at the coffee shop
JoyBoyWG : J
Vocephus : Golly. Thanks JoyBoy.
Madam_Tada : wait
JoyBoyWG : You are welcome
Madam_Tada : do you like to take walks
Vocephus : Yes, as a matter of fact I do.
Madam_Tada : in the park or somewhere
Vocephus : ...something like that.
8Angyl1999 has joined the conversation.
Angyl1999 : my comp. screwed up
JoyBoyWG : WB ANgy
Madam_Tada : you may meet her on one of your walks
Angyl1999 : but i'm back now
Madam_Tada : but it will be a while
Vocephus : Okay...what's she gonna look like?
JoyBoyWG : Yup, U R back
Madam_Tada : dont rush it
Angyl1999 : and i want to be next
DaDrunkenDwarf : L
Vocephus : Ah...so in the mean time, should I date the girl in my Film class?
Angyl1999 : please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8mizsk0 has joined the conversation.
Vocephus : Yer dissin' Dwarf, Angyl!
Shaymee1 : hiii mizky
Madam_Tada : you can, but dont forget about the other girl
Madam_Tada : that you will meet later
Angyl1999 : you have to wait your turn mizsk
Angyl1999 : i'm next
DaDrunkenDwarf : Voce gets all the luck with girls

See this is what I meant by his other people. The guys is the pimp with ladies according to Madam Tada. I hope I get a good reading

Vocephus : Alright...so I take it I shouldn't explain this to the girl in Film class..."I'm only dating you until I meet a girl while taking a walk someday. I hope you'll understand."
DaDrunkenDwarf : You are forgetting about me "Angyl"
Madam_Tada : no dont look at it that way
Angyl1999 : no i'm not
Shaymee1 : gosh, nice idea voce
Angyl1999 : you can be after me
Angyl1999 : lol
Madam_Tada : just date her and have fun
Shaymee1 : fun
Vocephus : But she likes me, huh?
Madam_Tada : and dont worry about the other girl
Madam_Tada : that you will have to find out
mizsk0 : my turn
Vocephus : Can I get one more question in?
Angyl1999 : no way
Vocephus : It's a quickie.
Madam_Tada : i really need to get to the others
mizsk0 : deby 12/10
Angyl1999 : you have to wait your turn
Madam_Tada : ok real quick
Angyl1999 : get in line
DaDrunkenDwarf : my turn
Angyl1999 : i'm after dwarf
Vocephus : Okay...I just got a new job....where do you see it heading?
mizsk0 : taking too long
Shaymee1 : up
Vocephus : Cry me a river, mizsk.
Angyl1999 : misk has to wait like the rest of us
mizsk0 : oh shut(Personal Note: Can’t finish sentence)
Madam_Tada : that will take too long to answer
Angyl1999 : build me a bridge.....
Vocephus : Aw, really?
Madam_Tada : lets do it some other time ok
Angyl1999 : and get the f**k over it!!!!!!!!!!!
Madam_Tada : drunken you turn
DaDrunkenDwarf : Yay!!!

Finally my turn! The whole night was winding to a close so why not go out with a bang

Vocephus : Alright, go Dwarf!
Madam_Tada : name and birth day
Angyl1999 : we've been waiting too long for you to butt in front
DaDrunkenDwarf : My name is Al and I was born 8/8/81
Madam_Tada : you are next angry
Vocephus : Oh, yeah....5 minutes is an eternity.
Madam_Tada : ok
JoyBoyWG : Angry it is
8mizsk0 has left the conversation.
Shaymee1 : lol
Madam_Tada : what is your question
Angyl1999 : thannk you
8Funky_Chook has joined the conversation.
Madam_Tada : drunken
DaDrunkenDwarf : My question is there is this bartender that I see often...does she like me?
Shaymee1 : hiii funky
8cpf_munkey has joined the conversation.
Shaymee1 : hiiii ceepee
cpf_munkey : what
8cpf_munkey has left the conversation.
Funky_Chook : hi
Angyl1999 : everyone has to wait their turn
Madam_Tada : she likes you, but not in the way you expect
Angyl1999 : i'm next
DaDrunkenDwarf : I mean...I am short...she is tall...we are from two different worlds...but the one thing we have in common is alcohol
DaDrunkenDwarf : what do you mean?
Vocephus : haha....alcohol; the cause of, and solution to all of life's problems.
Madam_Tada : well alcohol may not be the best thing here
Madam_Tada : do you go to the bar to just meet her or what
DaDrunkenDwarf : I go there to drink as well...it is a bar
Madam_Tada : i sense that you might meet someone at another place
Madam_Tada : but not the bar
DaDrunkenDwarf : hmmmm
Angyl1999 : are you about done dwarf?
DaDrunkenDwarf : no
Madam_Tada : you need to find other places to go
Angyl1999 : ok
DaDrunkenDwarf : like?
Angyl1999 : just asking
DaDrunkenDwarf : the internet?
Angyl1999 : i'll go wait in the corner like a good girl now
Shaymee1 : lol
Madam_Tada : maybe work or a secret place you go to
DaDrunkenDwarf : the internet?(Personal Note: Why can’t I find love on the internet?)
Vocephus : Hey, I was serious when I said I have some mild psychic abiity, Angyl...I'll talk to you if you really want, while your waiting.
Madam_Tada : the internet is not good either
DaDrunkenDwarf : oh....
Madam_Tada : you need to find a new hobby first
Madam_Tada : thats all i can say right now
8Awesome_Rabbit has joined the conversation.
DaDrunkenDwarf : what kind of hobby?
DaDrunkenDwarf : I need answers!
Awesome_Rabbit : hello madam tada
DaDrunkenDwarf : Hey Angyl...you are next...and you know that I love you
Angyl1999 : first off.....
Angyl1999 : wait ur turn
Angyl1999 : love you too
Madam_Tada : ok angry
Madam_Tada : your turn
Shaymee1 : lol
DaDrunkenDwarf : but Madam Tada said it would never work...I'm sorry
Madam_Tada : name and birth date
Angyl1999 : Heather Jan 4, 1982
Angyl1999 : lol dwarf
DaDrunkenDwarf : I guess a drunken dwarf has no luck on the internet
Madam_Tada : ok what is your questin
Madam_Tada : question
Vocephus : Say Drunken....you wanna keep in touch after this session is over...?
Angyl1999 : is the guy i'm with now the one i'm meant to marry?
Angyl1999 : '
DaDrunkenDwarf : sure..I could use a buddy

So overall a great night. I am sad to say though that if anyone who read this fell in love with me, it won’t work cause Madam Tada said I won’t find love on the internet. But if you email me or leave a message on the WOV Message Board, I will give you my address so we can “bump into each other.” I am kidding…not really…yes I am…well no. Oh well. Until my next exploit…Happy Chatting!

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