KAISER #0: The Last Words of Caelestis per Demens

The Works Of Caelestis per Demens

Work Two, dated December 5th, 2000

It is an observation of mine that people will forgive almost anything, as long as it only happens once. I'm sure people would have just wrote off Carrot Top as a mistake of nature, but nooo... his movie still sits on shelves. And as long as I never again mention Carrot Top the orginal refrence will be forgotten and forgiven. Wait a minute...damnit.

So what am I doing anyway, reading this you must be pretty mad about the whole "Top" thing. And I agree, totally uncalled for. But I'm sure that I am here writing something for a purpose, or maybe it's that I stare at my hands as I type and am completley fasinated as the glow of the monitor shines on the keys as my fingers fly across them like demons possesed. In fact I no longer am really thinking about what I am typing, no cohesion, no sense. Just a little of the ol' stream of consciousness writing. It would explain the typo's, all 9,000 of them, and certainly I feel better. Wait, what the hell am I going on about, you've all pressed {back} by now, of that I am sure. So why am I still writing so entranced am I, I cannot stop watching my hands as I type, what the hell is going on, this must be Radiskull's doing! Wait, couldn't be, I'd be dead if he was present, and Devil Doll wouldn't do it either, he just resolve to "kickin it" and pleasant music would ensue. So who can I blame all this on, certainly I must find a scape goat, I'll need these skills if I am ever to be president. And once I am president I will disolve the democracy and instill myself as the Emperor, the first dictator of the new millenia! I will be known as the greatest man to have ever lived, and you'll all worship me ..... oh shit, forget all that, you never heard it, never ever will I be able to top the accomplishments of the greatest man to have ever lived .... Chris Farley. Of course I cannot really say he was the greatest, I cannot say I have met ever man to have every existed to draw an adequate basis of comparison. And this is all stream of consciousness writing anyway, no foresight is needed or allowed. So why do I continue to write, well that soft seductive glow of the white light ebbing off the key board is so entrancing that I can no more stop typing and glaring at the keyboard than I can simply stop my good friends from wreaking havoc down town on occasion, you know who you are. But maybe I should wrench myself from the keys, I mean the people at WOV probably don't appreciate me using their fine realm as a dumping ground for my idiotic rants, all two of them insofar including this one. I should stop, really I should, I will in about 3 minutes as the CD I am listening to is almost over, and no music or caffeneine make Caelestis a very dull boy, who mispells (*note: I, Vocephus am editor supreme!) and drolls forever about mindless nothingness for long periods of time and traps unsuspecting people into reading his junk, he starts off with cohesion, then as time goes on it just goes on and on, and it refuses to stop, and it gets worse and worse until finally one cold night in France Jese finally has to admit hes never seen it !!!!!!!!!!

Now. If you can read that, and still read the next work that I post, then I applaud you.

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