Becky's Hate Mail

Crazy Grandpa
by Becky

I get a lot of hate mail...I know some people email me just to get a reaction or maybe see their email on my site, but I have to share some of the funny things I get. They are just great. I will not edit them in any way... so if you're going to send me some hate mail, use the fucking spellcheck! I might also share a reply or a comment.


The email: Dear Becky,

I have thoroughly examined your site and come to the conclusion that you are either very cruel or clueless about what you are doing. I don’t write you this email out of outrage or malice. I don’t believe in censorship in any of its hideous forms, but I have to say, to me, the world would be a brighter place without your website. I don’t plan on returning to your site, but I’m impelled to describe to you the feelings I have about it.

I won’t presume to know what your experiences are with him on a daily basis, but I can draw my own conclusions from what you have felt inclined to share with a global audience. From personal experience I can understand what it is like to have to share my home with someone that does not have complete control of his or her faculties. I was your age when my grandmother came to live with us and for a while, she drove me crazy. She was dying of Alzheimer’s and I will admit she did things that I thought were weird. I however did not make sport of her by shooting pictures of her in the darkest days of her life. I did not open her to ridicule from every corner of the planet for laughs.

It’s truly horrifying to watch someone’s entire book of life experiences steal away before you. As people age, memories not only fade, but certain experiences blend together in the mind. This could be an explanation as to why your grandfather behaves the way he does. He may not readily identify the coffee maker as such because he has no cognitive memory of what it is anymore. For all he knows it is a radio. He may have seen opium in a book somewhere thirty or forty years ago and somehow your mother’s garden reminds him of it.

Sometimes, even the most docile human being may become violent when they are no longer in control of their ability to reason. There is no way of knowing how badly the wires in his head have been crossed and it seems from his outburst with Laurie that he needs round the clock care in a long-term care facility. Calling him “evil” in light of this incident illustrates a complete lack of understanding of the suffering he must endure. You don’t need a college degree to realize that after a person has a stroke, there may be profound repercussions on the cognitive functions that people in good health take for granted.

I hope you live long enough to realize the wrongheadedness of this whole enterprise. Pursuing a doddering, old man with a camera and photographing his urine when he forgets to flush is not only reprehensible, but I find it personally disgusting. Writing cute little anecdotes about how lost he is in your world is sadistic to say the very least. What do you attempt to accomplish with this? Do you find it amusing? Is there some sort of niche you would like to explore by making a spectacle of someone that is so obviously defenseless?

Once upon a time, your grandfather was 17 just like you and had hopes and dreams about the future. Someday he is going to die and like him, you are going to grow old. I hope there will be a compassionate soul to take care of you when you are confused, tired, and alone.

Ken Collins


The reply: I am not sure you took the time to read anything which appears on my website, because the contents of your email were in the most part FICTIOUS.

You have never, in your life, met my grandfather. So, the opinions expressed in your email are void. I describe my grandfather as evil, because he is. He is a violent, ignorant, mean old man, and has been for his whole life- but of course you wouldn't know that, now would you? Making judgments on things you do not have any knowledge of, is quite easy, isn't it? Luckily, I will enlighten you.

In the making of, I have spent more hours with this old man than anyone. No one wants to spend time with him, because he is bitter mean old man. He beat his wife, he beat his kids, he is not a nice person. Despite what you may think, not all elderly people delight us with hardcandy, play shuffle board, and tell old war stories. Every picture on this site, every story, every last word, has resulted in hours of quality time with grandpa. Do I mind it? No. I spend time with this mean old man, and as he is slowly dying, he knows that he has made many people's lives miserable. He is just a lonely, sad old man and because he was an asshole for his WHOLE LIFE; no one will have anything to do with him- except me. is a joke, making light of a bad situation. Many people also have crazy relatives, and can relate to my site. If you don't laugh at a situation like this, you will cry. MAYBE you like to cry but I quite enjoy laughing.

Take the time to laugh at life, and to poke fun at unfortunate situations life throws at you- you might feel better.

Take care, Becky


The email: Hi there Becky, I was wandering through the stile project and i spotted your site in the worst five list. I visited your site and i have to say that i think your attempt at humour falls a little short of the mark. Dont get me wrong i dont want to deter your attempts at seeking praise from your peers, however i think that trying to humiliate your grandfather for cheap laughs or points in a adolescent popularity contest is possibly something which you may live to regret. If you dont mind reading the ramblings of a physcotherapist, i'll try to give an example of what i mean. A caucasian adolescent female that i had been councelling about two years ago expressed her desire to be just like the rest of her peers. She had been refered to me by local health trust through the probation board. Her story started when somebody had advised and encouraged her to "find a way to fit in". to cut a very long (and ugly) story short, my client (lets call her "B") decided that she would find favour with her peers by using shock tactics and gross out humour. Those tactics worked, albeit for a short period of time, until she realised that the people whom she wanted praise from most (her peers) were so impressed with her that they wanted to do what she did and more. I wont bore you with the mechanics of rivalry, except to tell you that "shocking" behaviour became more pronounced as she and her peers matured. "B" suffered from acute depression and probably never forgave herself for her actions that led her to the point where she had intensive councelling for 18 months before she decided to take her own life. Now i would understand if you asked what my point was, it is that "B" decided that when she had her aquaintances over at her place she would take them to meet her Gramps, and proceed to take the piss out of him. All great fun and no doubt, entertained her aquaintances to no end. The fun continued when her Gramps became ill and she decided it was "oh so funny" to play around pretending to reduce the flow on Gramps oxygen or pretend to swap his insulin with window cleaner. Her aquaintances must have thought it was ok for them to join in because they did. The story ends with Gramps dead, because someone thought it would be hilarious to dip the end of his novopen in superglue. "B" accepted the blame and eventually accepted the responsibility. So if you think that this story serves no purpose other that give another old bastard the moral high ground, then maybe you are not in a position to understand what is worrying about your zeal in portraying your grandfather as a pervert or crazy old man. The essential point is that as soon as you start to dehumanise others you are dehumanising yourself and those around you will relate to you as "less" than human also. If you are seeking praise or applause for producing this site, then what will be the cost to you? I am challenging you to think about your actions before reacting to my email, think how your friends (if that is what they really are) would react if you said that you were going to stop producing the "Crazy Grandpa" site. Do you think that they would think any less or any more of you? Either way its your life, your choice, you live with it.

The reply: Holy fuck. I can not believe you took the time to write that whole email. MY LORD. MY site is a joke. If you can not see that, then you are obviously a complete moron. I'm not mean to my grandpa. I talk to him every day. I feed him. I give him his pills. I make sure he is on time to watch the price is right. So what if sometimes I take a few pictures of him. I AM NOT MEAN TO HIM. Did you notice that he is smiling in the pictures? I'm not tormenting him or turning off his oxygen machine. He doesn't even have an oxygen machine. He doesn't even know about the site. If you don't laugh at the things he does ie smash in stoves etc you will cry. If you maybe... oh here is a thought... TOOK the time to read the whole site than maybe you would not be so ignorant. He sprays deodorant as air freshener. He calls my asian friends china men. I FIND IT FUNNY. SO WHAT? Who the fuck is that hurting? You? GOOD. FUCK YOU. Take care, Becky


The email: Your life must be so empty. To dedicate time and energy to a 'project' like this indicates a real lack of other interests. That said ...

I read your stories. Why is it that every time your grandpa says something strange (i.e. 'deodarant for air too...') he is insane, and not speaking the truth. But when he says something you can use against him to prove that he is 'evil' (i.e. 'hitler was right...') you claim it is the truth, he is now completely coherent of what he is saying.

You are trash. It is people like you that give teenagers everywhere a bad name. It is people like you that cause me to recieve disrespect from adults because its easy for them to assume I'm a fool like you.

I hope that one day you'll have an accident that leaves you unable to speak, but without further brain damage so you will still think exactly the same. Then I hope everyone you care for (wait ... i'm doubting that you even have the capacity to care for anyone) ... and everyone in your life treats you like you treat your grandfather.

You should be happy he is still alive. So many people in this world lose their grandparents before they even get to know them, or worse, after they have grown to love them dearly.

Maybe if you weren't always running from him or making fun of him you wouldn't be so blind and ignorant. Having a stroke doesn't make someone stupid. When he had a stroke, he didn't lose the life experiences with which one gains wisdom. He didn't lose his ability to feel and to have emotions. You are heartless. You can tell me that i 'don't know anything about you except what you write on your site' but you know what, there are some things that are not redeemable. It is like calling a serial killer ruthless, and that killer trying to claim 'oh you dont know anything about me except my crimes!' It's rediculous. Like you.

Burn in hell.

The reply: Poor Cara getting disrespect from adults. DO YOU KNOW WHY TEENAGERS GET DISREPSECT FROM ADULTS. Because most teenagers are immature, know-it-all-kids. It is called adolescence dear. You are just the same as all the young people you deem fools, except you are of the pompous variety of fools. You may think you are intelligent, mature and sophisticated but you are wrong. I can pinpoint your personality PERFECTLY. You come across as pretentious, overbearing, and fat-headed and the worst part is
you know it.
Take care,


The email: Nazi Jew? Is this supposed to be an oxymoron? Or are you really just that irgnorant of history? Hey, if you'd like, I have pictures of my family a-waiting at death's door as they were liberated from places like Auswitz and Treblinka by Allied troops. Wouldn't that be fucking HILARIOUS for a comparison?! Haha, pathetic old people are so funny to look at! They're like, gross and stuff! But on a serious note. You claim that this site is just a joke, but I really don't see how. All I can see is you mocking an old, feeble man, apparantly too stupid to comprehend that he is probably suffering from something other than the after-effects of a stroke. And little darling, I hate to tell you this, but it's probably genetic. Anyway, have fun with your website, but just remember: for every email you get from some 14-year old loser Korn fan telling you how neat your site is and how much old people, like, suck, and stuff, there are about 10 people who are sadly shaking their heads, wondering where your parents messed up and produced such a horrible little monster. -matt

The reply: Dear Matt, Let me guess, you got exhausted from your constant bouts of masturbation, that you decided to take a break and email me? How lovely.
Take care,


The email: Bitch Whore Cunt.

Useless fucking titless unattractive smelly pre-pubescent obsessive lowbrow blue collar working class miserable little piece of filth.

And you're a fucking American. What more can I say? And what kind of self-respecting 17 year-old calls herself Becky? Oh hi I'm Becki I'm not three years old but I sound like I am.

I sincerely hope Crazy Grandpa molested you as a child. You deserve nothing less.



The email: I just found your website and have to say that you are a cowardly and pathetic person with no character that you would so blatantly take the p.... out of your Grandfather the way you do. I'm always up for a good laugh but not when it's at somebody elses expense.Get a life.


The email: Becky- It is people like you that should be phased out. I cannot belive that you have the balls (or lack therof) to mock and humilate your grandfather. To have such disdain for a helpless old man, you must see your own ugly qualities in him-and are scared shitless. How are you to mock him? I only hope that you are cursed with such wicked and ignorant bitch grandchildren when you grow old, in fact, I hope you die before you grow old. I'll bet in his young years, your grandfather was a cool guy who you would have gotten along with, how can you hate somebody who cares for you just because of his senality...can you imagine being inside his head? I hope you get struck with a stroke and are abandoned by everybody you have ever loved. Take some acid, find yourself and reconcile with your grandpa before it is too late. Good luck you fuck-up. Brandon


The email: Hi Becky, I was just to crazygrandpa, c asually surfing there from oldmanmurray (which I visit once every few days), I was going through the site, the stories, the pictures and the hatemail. I've got my own ideas about what's funny and I did find a lot of what's in there to be funny, although (at least some of it) very cruelly so. Like at least several other readers, I engaged in the futile practice of trying glean an actual person out of the material on the site, and in doing so came out with an blurry image of a cynical, self-centered and insensitive young person. I'm not trying to play the wiser-than-thou game, neither am I trying to "correct" you into something that I think you should be. There are two sides to this story -- the spirit at which those things were written, which is left as an exercise in guesswork to the reader and that at which they are received. I happened to feel bad for those things, which is why I write you. Possibly you would eventually come to a point where you would feel differently about this, but just as possibly you won't. At any rate, take care. Nir

The reply: A cynical, self-centered, and insensitive young person? Aww. You are too sweet. Let me just say, that you know absolutely nothing about me, except for reading the content of a comical web site which I display on the Internet. My site is NOT OFFENSIVE except maybe for the occasional curse word. If you find it offensive, then you are uptight (and stupid), which is not my problem. You obviously have never dealt with any senile relative, or you would know that if you don't laugh you will cry, so please refrain from speaking from your anal cavity.
Take care,


The email: So nobody can talk to your Grandfather without him calling them stupid? Don't you do the same thing to people who write to suggest that there is something fundamentally wrong with what you are doing? At least he has an excuse. We're supposed to come to this site, I guess, to laugh at how decrepit this man is but the really disgusting person is you. You're more disgusting than an old man eating bread dipped in milk coffee and cereal and a lot more disgusting than those Japanese people that eat each other's crap that Jay Stile always puts on his website. It's hard to explain the feeling I get from except to say it's like looking at the worst of which humanity is capable. P.S. Your eyes are frighteningly empty you look like the devil


The email: Becky dear, All i have to say to that is "Oh my". You display a classic case of Projection, if I've even seen one. All of the sudden, I am the unintelligent one? How did you come to this asinine assumption? My reasoning for calling you "dumb" is due to the stupid nature and content of a web site that YOU created. It is great indication of your intellect/personality, and therefore I can gather that you are childish and alittle slow. I would also like to add that yes, I do have a great sense of humor. I poke-fun at people like you frequently, and i have to admit, I am quite funny. I was just pointing-out that you aren't. I see exactly what you're getting at and it's just not funny. I like intellectual humor, while you lean towards kiddy jokes. What the hell is so funny about pictures of an elderly man? Um . . . Nothing? It's not even mean, it's just fucking stupid. You seem to have blown-up some childish inside joke that means nothing to anyone besides yourself. Can you understand what I'm saying? Here, I'll spell it out--I know what humor is, I am very intelligent, you aren't, you're attempt at humor is sorry, I don't like it, and I feel the need to tell you this(for some inexplicable reason). But hell, at least you can admit that you're immature. Props for that. I would expect more from a 17-year-old girl, but I suppose my standards are too high for you. I also wanted to clear-up a few things from your amusing reply. First, I want to explain to you what the phrase " . . . leaves something to be desired" means. This article is commonly used as a polite way of saying that something is not up to par, lacks lust ure, or (in a term that you might better comprehend) "sucks ass". I was saying that your sense of humor sucks ass, in basic terms, and no, I was not hoping to see nude pictures of your grandfather. I'm not a pervert, except when it has to do with my boyfriend, then I guess one might call me that. The word humor contains one U not two, dear. So therefor it's HUMOR, not HUMOUR. The reason I was suggesting that you use my email address to better make-fun of me was because you did it once before and seemed to think it was humorous. Check you "Hate Mail", you did. So yes, you did seem to think that email addresses were funny at one point or another. You said it, not me. I was actually laughing at you when I wrote that, but I guess you failed to catch on, which surprises me very little. I think that about sums it up, and if i left anything out, be sure to let me know. Have a niceday.

Reply: Damn you are a yappy one aren't you? Most of what I said in my first email to you was sarcasm, it's too bad you didn't get it.

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