
Alas, the time of woe is upon you all, for I have returned. Just when you thought it was safe to surf the ocean known as the internet, I appear, the proverbial tuna net to your dolphin. With that out of the way, I will introduce the first installmant of Michael Castleberry: Back In Black.

Ok, I know the burning question is: Why so long to return? I assure you I have a perfectly good explanation, and that is, well, I basically figured I'd give Vocephus time to think of a new font really. Another decision of mine, is because it has been proven cool by The Rock, of WWF fame, to seem more important, from here on out I will refer to myself in the 3rd person as "The Mike", or any other catchy name The Mike wants to refer to himself as.

Now where as The Mike will refer to himself as The Mike, The Mike shall still refer to the rest of you as The Peons, ok, maybe thats too mean.

Now, The Mike has a few things on his electrifying mind, one being, how the hell did the drunken dwarf become drunken, The Mike knew the drunken dwarf before he was ever drunk, he was more like, the nearly invisible virgin dwarf, well, some mysteries are better left unsolved

It has occured to the great one, that valentines day is coming up, sop, what is the true meaning of valentines day? NOTHING AT ALL YOU FRIGGEN IDIOTS! Did you ACTUALLY think it was anything more then card companies trying to pawn off crappy merchandise onto an unknowing public, or failing that, an evil plot by women to get us men in more trouble for not remembering it, well, we all know women belong barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, making me pie, but thats beside the point. Did The Mike offend any female readers? Too fucking bad! Get your bitch ass in the kitchen and make me some pie! Any other slap nuts out there got somethin to say about it? Didn't think so.

Hmmmmm, who else looks at this site, ahhhhh, Raphael is a good target, a former 3rd rate drama actor in high school, or maybe The Kaiser, a whiney little cake boy at best...

The Fact is, no one compairs to the supreme awesomeness of The Mike........

And if you slap nuts took anything I said seriously, you're dumber then I thought! You know The Mike well enough to know I'm fuckin with ya, I'm actually The Peoples writer! If you Smmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllll....what the cookin'.

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