Raphael #12: Raphael's Adventures in Europe

Hey Everyone! So how's everything on your side of the pond? So you wanna know what London is like? Well, it's like a Downtown that goes on for miles with tons of record shops, theaters, coffee shops, and a pub on every damn corner. I walked into a pub the other day and ordered a Coke the barkeep replied, "Rum and Coke for the Yank!"
"No, just a Coke"
He then said, "You mean a Coke without rum?"
"Well what do you want me to put in it....vodka?" Then I looked around to notice that the pub was packed and everyone had a huge glass of beer, I checked my pager; 10:30 AM on a Tuesday. What a damn country!
"Sure, rum and Coke then. Why the hell not?"

I met some backpackers from Cardiff and they asked me where I was from (I really stick out here.) I said I was from California, they then asked me what I was doing in London. I replied, "just hanging out." They looked confused and asked, "Is that it?" I thought for a minute then said, "Well, I'm also here for the fish and chips."

I was walking down Central London when I was spotted by someone who was handing out leaflets. While I was walking by he said, "Deny capitalism and join the Socialist party! We've got thousands of members and were making the world a better place." I was a little shocked, but hey, Socialists are big here. So I asked, "Do I get ice cream?"
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" he asked.
"Well, without ice cream the dream will wither and die and capitalism will crush you." He
looked at me for a second as if trying to decode the word ice cream. He just didn't realize he was dealing with an idiot. Take that Kaiser. I have to get out of here.

Your friend Raphael

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